E2E children's books — FINALISTS in the 2018 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards
We were thrilled to receive the news that two of our latest publications have been selected as finalists in the 2018 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards! Congratulations to author Jayneen Sanders and illustrators Sarah Jennings and Diane Ewen! Finalist in Juvenile Non-Fiction: Let’s Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent and Respect Finalist in Children’s Picture Books, Early Reader: Who Am I? I Am Me! As part of its mission to discover, review, and share the best books from university and independent publishers, Foreword Magazine, Inc. (@forewordreviews) hosts an annual awards program each year. Finalists represent the best books published...
E2E children's books — FINALISTS in the 2018 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards
We were thrilled to receive the news that two of our latest publications have been selected as finalists in the 2018 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards! Congratulations to author Jayneen Sanders and illustrators Sarah Jennings and Diane Ewen! Finalist in Juvenile Non-Fiction: Let’s Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent...

A Body Safety Message for the Holiday Season
Holiday season is upon us, and our kids are about to spend A LOT of time around people — family, extended family, friends, friends of friends, acquaintances and total strangers. They will be in amongst groups of people at family gatherings, Christmas parties, carol nights, NYE celebrations, camping grounds, parks, swimming pool or beach (or ski resorts if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere) , shopping centres, cinemas, etc. We cannot stress enough how important it is for your children to be educated in Body Safety, especially at this time of year! Give your kids: the gift of confidence, in knowing...
A Body Safety Message for the Holiday Season
Holiday season is upon us, and our kids are about to spend A LOT of time around people — family, extended family, friends, friends of friends, acquaintances and total strangers. They will be in amongst groups of people at family gatherings, Christmas parties, carol nights, NYE celebrations, camping grounds, parks,...

Lesson Plans for Teachers: Body Safety; Gender Equality; Social and Emotional Intelligence
ATTENTION Teachers! We have just released some new resources: Lesson Plans for the topics of Body Safety, Gender Equality, and Social and Emotional Intelligence. Written by Jayneen Sanders and Yale Merceica, these fully developed lesson plans incorporate questions and activities based on the messages in our books, to help you convey important and empowering life skills to your students. The content is age-appropriate and suitable for Preschool and Primary/Elementary School classes. The Lesson Plans include: key outcomes, teaching notes, resource masters, whole class and individual activities integrated with the reading of our books to make the teaching process easier for you....
Lesson Plans for Teachers: Body Safety; Gender Equality; Social and Emotional Intelligence
ATTENTION Teachers! We have just released some new resources: Lesson Plans for the topics of Body Safety, Gender Equality, and Social and Emotional Intelligence. Written by Jayneen Sanders and Yale Merceica, these fully developed lesson plans incorporate questions and activities based on the messages in our books, to help you...

Children’s book author Jayneen Sanders interviewed on The Sue Atkins Parenting Show – Body Safety...
We were thrilled when Sue Atkins ( UK-based and internationally recognised TV and Radio Parenting Expert) contacted us to set up an interview with Educate2Empower author and founder, Jayneen Sanders. As well as being a teacher and mother to three girls, Jayneen is an accomplished children’s book author, writing a number of titles for Nelson, Oxford, Funtastic, Macmillan and Penguin, before starting her own small publishing company Educate2Empower – specifically to create books and resources to empower children and help keep them safe. The interview with Sue goes into: How the journey into writing such important books all began Some...
Children’s book author Jayneen Sanders interviewed on The Sue Atkins Parenting Show – Body Safety...
We were thrilled when Sue Atkins ( UK-based and internationally recognised TV and Radio Parenting Expert) contacted us to set up an interview with Educate2Empower author and founder, Jayneen Sanders. As well as being a teacher and mother to three girls, Jayneen is an accomplished children’s book author, writing a...

Body Safety Hints for Tweens and Teenagers
You are growing up and your body is changing, but keeping yourself safe from harm is still the same as when you were younger. Remember YOUR body is YOUR body and no one has the right to touch it if you don’t want them to. 1. Don't allow a person to touch any part of your body or come inside your body boundary if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Speak your mind and tell them to STOP. Make a scene if necessary. Or tell a trusted adult if they won’t listen to you. No one has the right to touch...
Body Safety Hints for Tweens and Teenagers
You are growing up and your body is changing, but keeping yourself safe from harm is still the same as when you were younger. Remember YOUR body is YOUR body and no one has the right to touch it if you don’t want them to. 1. Don't allow a person...

How to talk about body safety and consent with your child
E2E Author, Jayneen Sanders, interviewed by Shevonne Hunt on Kinderling Kids Radio Conversation Hour. (29th March 2018) The interview is available to listen to on the Kinderling Kids Radio website: https://www.kinderling.com.au/kinderling-conversation/body-safety-consent-respectful-relationships-jayneen-sanders All of Jayneen's books, teaching kits and free resources for empowering children are available on the Educate2Empower website and individual books are on Amazon for America and Europe.
How to talk about body safety and consent with your child
E2E Author, Jayneen Sanders, interviewed by Shevonne Hunt on Kinderling Kids Radio Conversation Hour. (29th March 2018) The interview is available to listen to on the Kinderling Kids Radio website: https://www.kinderling.com.au/kinderling-conversation/body-safety-consent-respectful-relationships-jayneen-sanders All of Jayneen's books, teaching kits and free resources for empowering children are available on the Educate2Empower website and...

What is a Body Safety Education program?
Body Safety Education aims to empower children with skills and knowledge that will lessen the likelihood of them becoming victims of childhood sexual abuse. It is known that approximately 20% of girls, and 8% of boys will experience sexual abuse before their 18th birthday (Pereda, et al, 2009). That is equivalent to 6 girls and 1 boy in each class of 30 students! These are horrific statistics, but through early education we can make a difference. Many people are uninformed as to what constitutes a Body Safety Education program and fear that such a program would discuss sex and sexual abuse...
What is a Body Safety Education program?
Body Safety Education aims to empower children with skills and knowledge that will lessen the likelihood of them becoming victims of childhood sexual abuse. It is known that approximately 20% of girls, and 8% of boys will experience sexual abuse before their 18th birthday (Pereda, et al, 2009). That is...

#NoMore #MeToo for the Next Generation
I say #NoMore #MeToo for the next generation. We can stop this! As active and engaged parents, caregivers, educators and health professionals we can help stop sexual assault, so our kids will grow into adulthood free from sexploitation, misogyny, gender inequality and sexual assault. How do we do this? We EDUCATE our kids — the next generation — from the day they are born. Kids need to know: 1. that they have rights, a voice and body autonomy 2. that they have choices 3. what consent means in regards to giving it, asking for it and withdrawing consent at anytime...
#NoMore #MeToo for the Next Generation
I say #NoMore #MeToo for the next generation. We can stop this! As active and engaged parents, caregivers, educators and health professionals we can help stop sexual assault, so our kids will grow into adulthood free from sexploitation, misogyny, gender inequality and sexual assault. How do we do this? We...

Plea to Principals and Directors of Kindergartens — Teach Body Safety
Dear Principals of Elementary and Primary Schools, and Directors of Kindergartens As a principal or director of a school or kindergarten, you are in a very powerful position to make a massive difference to the lives of the children in your care. Body Safety Education taught at your institution could literally change the course of a child’s life. Firstly here are some *statistics (sources below). Did you know … • 20% of girls and 8% of boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. Think about this statistic in terms of a class of 30 kids at your school....
Plea to Principals and Directors of Kindergartens — Teach Body Safety
Dear Principals of Elementary and Primary Schools, and Directors of Kindergartens As a principal or director of a school or kindergarten, you are in a very powerful position to make a massive difference to the lives of the children in your care. Body Safety Education taught at your institution could...

Making Our Kids Feel Guilty About Saying ‘No’ Is Never Okay
Here’s the thing… it is okay for our kids to say, ‘No’ to hugs and kisses. After all, a child’s body is their body and they are the boss of it. So When Auntie Jeanie or Grandpa Bob comes in for that big smoochy kiss or that crushing bear hug, it is absolutely fine for your child to say, ‘No’. In fact, both Auntie Jeanie and Grandpa Bob need to be educated in this space. They need to know that asking your child’s permission for a kiss or hug is a necessary requirement. It is not okay for the ‘said...
Making Our Kids Feel Guilty About Saying ‘No’ Is Never Okay
Here’s the thing… it is okay for our kids to say, ‘No’ to hugs and kisses. After all, a child’s body is their body and they are the boss of it. So When Auntie Jeanie or Grandpa Bob comes in for that big smoochy kiss or that crushing bear hug,...

12 Confronting Child Sexual Abuse Statistics All Parents Need to Know
As a parent and an educator I find the statistics below both confronting and horrifying. However, they do highlight the reasons WHY we need to teach the children in our care Body Safety from the earliest of years. Such age-appropriate knowledge is empowering for children, and might well be the difference between a child becoming one of these statistics or not. As an advocate for Body Safety Education in both homes and schools, I have heard many sad and crippling stories from adult survivors; but it’s this one shared comment that stays with me, “If only I had known from...
12 Confronting Child Sexual Abuse Statistics All Parents Need to Know
As a parent and an educator I find the statistics below both confronting and horrifying. However, they do highlight the reasons WHY we need to teach the children in our care Body Safety from the earliest of years. Such age-appropriate knowledge is empowering for children, and might well be the...

What is Body Safety Education?
Body Safety Education (aka sexual abuse prevention education) aims to empower children with skills and knowledge that will lessen the likelihood of them becoming victims of childhood sexual abuse. In summary, Body Safety Education teaches children: the correct names for their private body parts the difference between safe and unsafe touch not to keep secrets that make them feel bad/uncomfortable what to do if they are touched inappropriately general assertiveness — especially in relation to their own body. For a more in-depth coverage of Body Safety Education go to Jayneen's book 'Body Safety Education: a parents' guide to protecting kids...
What is Body Safety Education?
Body Safety Education (aka sexual abuse prevention education) aims to empower children with skills and knowledge that will lessen the likelihood of them becoming victims of childhood sexual abuse. In summary, Body Safety Education teaches children: the correct names for their private body parts the difference between safe and unsafe...