Mindful, Resilient and Focused Learners
As a mother of three teenage daughters and an experienced elementary school teacher, I am deeply concerned about our kids. Let me explain. Children today live in a world filled with technology — ipad interaction from birth, social media from pre-teens and access to everything and anything on the Internet from a very young age. Don’t get me wrong, as a teacher I know technology can be an amazing tool for learning. Extraordinary really. What does deeply trouble me, is the negative aspect of child/learner interaction with technology. I have come back to teaching after four years away. What I...
Mindful, Resilient and Focused Learners
As a mother of three teenage daughters and an experienced elementary school teacher, I am deeply concerned about our kids. Let me explain. Children today live in a world filled with technology — ipad interaction from birth, social media from pre-teens and access to everything and anything on the Internet...

Tips to Help Children Stay Calm
At this time of year with the transition from holidays to returning to school, it's no surprise that we typically see some big emotions from the children in our lives – it can be intense for everyone, including the adults! Here are some tips to help with the overwhelm and assist children with staying calm amongst the chaos (keeping in mind that every child is different): 1. Quiet time - carve out some time each day for your child to have some screen-free time to themselves. Perhaps they have a favourite space - a chair to sink into or...
Tips to Help Children Stay Calm
At this time of year with the transition from holidays to returning to school, it's no surprise that we typically see some big emotions from the children in our lives – it can be intense for everyone, including the adults! Here are some tips to help with the overwhelm and...