For Kids Everywhere
Are you feeling sad? I am too. It's okay to be sad, It's okay to be you. Are you missing school? Friends and family too? It's okay to say so, It's okay if you do. What do you miss? Who do you miss? Why don't you draw or write a list? Having a chat may help too. Is there someone close by Who will listen to you? Remember! Nothing lasts forever, Nothing stays the same. When all this is over, You'll feel happiness again! Love Jayneen XX
For Kids Everywhere
Are you feeling sad? I am too. It's okay to be sad, It's okay to be you. Are you missing school? Friends and family too? It's okay to say so, It's okay if you do. What do you miss? Who do you miss? Why don't you draw or...

Coronavirus in 2020
CORONAVIRUS IN 2020 "We have never been so apart, yet so connected." Jayneen Sanders
Coronavirus in 2020
CORONAVIRUS IN 2020 "We have never been so apart, yet so connected." Jayneen Sanders