Terrifying Statistics Linking Child Sexual Abuse and Porn Internet Use

Terrifying Statistics Linking Child Sexual Abuse and Porn Internet Use

• European researchers (COPINE) … found 78% of offenders charged with downloading or possessing abusive images had abused children prior to, or soon after viewing images. On average, each offender had abused up to 30 different children.

(Personal correspondence with Briggs 5th Jan 2006)


• 1 in 4 men arrested for possessing child pornography had a history of molesting children.

(Software Tracks Child Porn Traffickers On-line, USA Today 16th April 2008)


• In the US National Juvenile Online Victimization Survey by Wolak, Mitchell and Finkelhor (2003), it was found that a majority of the offenders arrested for possession of child exploitation materials were men. Most of these offenders possessed images of children who had not yet reached puberty. 83% had images of children ages 6 to 12 years, 39% had images of children 3 to 5 years and 19% had images of toddlers or infants.

(Griffith & Roth, 2007 cited in Choo 2009)


• After sex offender treatment, 80–85% of inmates convicted of possessing or distributing child pornography admitted that they had molested children, according to two studies by Andres Hernandez. At the time they were sentenced, 26–45% acknowledged molestation.

(Software Tracks Child Porn traffickers On-line, USA Today 16th April 2008)


• 1 in 5 children who use a computer has been approached over the internet by pedophiles within the past year.

(United States Department of Justice, cited on Protect Your Children On-line)


• Only 25% of children will tell a parent about an encounter with a predator who approached or solicited sex while on the internet, and less than 10% report sexual solicitation to legal authorities.

(iSAFE Inc December 12, 2006)


• Studies in 2000 reveal that of teenagers between 10 and 17 who regularly use the internet: 20% received sexual solicitation or approach over the internet in the last year: 1 in 33 received aggressive sexual solicitation and 25% had unwanted exposure to pictures of naked people having sex.

(National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Crimes Against Children Research Center and Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention 2000)


• The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center receives 400 calls a month from children who believe they have been approached by a pedophile on the internet.

(Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center2007)


Compiled by Jayneen Sanders

Jayneen Sanders (aka Jay Dale) is a teacher, author, mother of three teenage daughters and an active advocate for sexual abuse prevention education both in the home and in schools.

See Jay’s children's book Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept on this site.

Now available on Amazon in 7 seven languages. http://www.amazon.com/Jayneen-Sanders/e/B00BDCGZ1W/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1

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