Penang State Government, Malaysia - reformatting our free resources into a printed book for distribution

Penang State Government, Malaysia - reformatting our free resources into a printed book for distribution

We gifted all of our posters and blog information to the Penang State Government who have developed a 50 page book from it to give away to families for education and awareness of Body Safety issues.

UPDATE - APRIL 2018 - the book has now been completed and launched. They have published 10,000 copies (in English), receiving very positive feedback from parents and educators all over Malaysia. Translation into the local languages of Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and Tamil are currently in progress.

The book was launched on 3rd April 2018 with a simple forum of approx 200 special invited guests from various industry and backgrounds. The 10,000 copies have been distributed to many different childcare centres, schools, kindergarten and organisations.

Published & Distributed by Penang State Government Exco For Women, Family And Community Developments

The e-book version can be downloaded from their website:

Go to our main Giving Back page to read about the other projects we are contributing to in order to support and empower young people all around the world!


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