"Who would I have been? What life could I have lived? My childhood was stolen."

"Who would I have been? What life could I have lived? My childhood was stolen."

"Who would I have been? What life could I have lived? My childhood was stolen." Survivor of childhood sexual abuse   "I believe you. We believe you. Our country believes you."  Australian National Apology to Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, 22nd October 2018.   We must NEVER let this happen again! This generation of children WILL be educated to tell and we, as adults, must be educated to believe." Jayneen Sanders, advocate, author

"Who would I have been? What life could I have lived? My childhood was stolen."

"Who would I have been? What life could I have lived? My childhood was stolen." Survivor of childhood sexual abuse   "I believe you. We believe you. Our country believes you."  Australian National Apology to Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, 22nd October 2018.   We must NEVER let this happen again! This generation of children WILL be educated to tell and we, as adults, must be educated to believe." Jayneen Sanders, advocate, author

With attitudes like these will our daughters ever be safe?

With attitudes like these will our daughters ever be safe?

*1,761 young Australians aged between 16 and 24 were surveyed. Here are some of the findings: 43% thought it natural for a man to want to appear in control of his partner in front of his male friends. 1 in 7 believe a man would be justified in raping a woman if she initiated sex but changed her mind. 25% of young men think women find it flattering to be persistently pursued, even if they are not interested. 1 in 3 believe that women prefer a man to be in charge of a relationship. 1 in 5 believe there is...

With attitudes like these will our daughters ever be safe?

*1,761 young Australians aged between 16 and 24 were surveyed. Here are some of the findings: 43% thought it natural for a man to want to appear in control of his partner in front of his male friends. 1 in 7 believe a man would be justified in raping a woman if she initiated sex but changed her mind. 25% of young men think women find it flattering to be persistently pursued, even if they are not interested. 1 in 3 believe that women prefer a man to be in charge of a relationship. 1 in 5 believe there is...

With attitudes like these will our daughters ever be safe?

With attitudes like these will our daughters ever be safe?

*1,761 young Australians aged between 16 and 24 were surveyed. Here are some of the findings: 1 in 7 believe a man would be justified in raping a woman if she initiated sex but changed her mind. 1 in 3 believe that women prefer a man to be in charge of a relationship. 45% of young people believe women exaggerate gender inequality in Australia. 37% agreed that women make up or exaggerate claims of violence to secure advantage in custody battles. 37% agreed that it is common for sexual assault accusations to be used as a way of getting back...

With attitudes like these will our daughters ever be safe?

*1,761 young Australians aged between 16 and 24 were surveyed. Here are some of the findings: 1 in 7 believe a man would be justified in raping a woman if she initiated sex but changed her mind. 1 in 3 believe that women prefer a man to be in charge of a relationship. 45% of young people believe women exaggerate gender inequality in Australia. 37% agreed that women make up or exaggerate claims of violence to secure advantage in custody battles. 37% agreed that it is common for sexual assault accusations to be used as a way of getting back...

Child Protection Week

Child Protection Week

10 simple things you can do to reduce child sexual abuse: Teach your child Body Safety from 2.5 years old (www.e2epublishing.info) Talk to other families about the importance of teaching their children Body Safety. Ask your child's school/kindergarten if they teach Body Safety. If not, lobby for it. Share Body Safety articles and blogs with friends/family on Facebook. Lobby your local member to mandate the teaching of Body Safety in all schools and kindergartens. Stay alert to any warning signs that a child you know may be being abused (see http://eZepublishing.info/blog/) Believe a child when they disclose abuse-your initial reaction...

Child Protection Week

10 simple things you can do to reduce child sexual abuse: Teach your child Body Safety from 2.5 years old (www.e2epublishing.info) Talk to other families about the importance of teaching their children Body Safety. Ask your child's school/kindergarten if they teach Body Safety. If not, lobby for it. Share Body Safety articles and blogs with friends/family on Facebook. Lobby your local member to mandate the teaching of Body Safety in all schools and kindergartens. Stay alert to any warning signs that a child you know may be being abused (see http://eZepublishing.info/blog/) Believe a child when they disclose abuse-your initial reaction...