A Teenage Girl's Guide to Empowerment

A Teenage Girl's Guide to Empowerment

1. Embrace your uniqueness and ignore anyone who tries to shame or bully you about your appearance. We all have a body and each body is different. Love yourself.

2. Do not slut-shame* other girls. Support each other. Women face many expectations from a male-dominated society. Lift each other up to fight gender inequality.

3. Pornography is not real. It is not what a loving respectful relationship looks like. What you may have seen are two or more actors. Even though the woman appears to enjoy sex that objectifies and degrades her, in real-life this most likely is not the case.

4. A loving relationship is where two people enjoy time together and BOTH enjoy sex that is mutually respectful.

5. You do not have to perform sexual acts that make you feel uncomfortable. You have the right to say, ‘No’ at ANYTIME. The other person needs to STOP immediately.

6. Yes means yes! When you do want to have sex and it is mutually respectful, enjoy!

7. Oral sex is sex.

8. Masturbation should be absolutely guilt free. It’s your body!

9. You do not have to post or send naked selfies of yourself to anyone. No-one has the right to pressure you into doing this. If they do, than seriously question their motivation.

10. Mutual, respectful sex is about you enjoying sex also, not just your partner.

11. Verbal, physical and psychological violence is NEVER okay.

12. Listed are some great organizations where you can gain more information.

     The Line: http://www.theline.org.au

     Kids Helpline: https://kidshelpline.com.au

     Our Watch: http://www.ourwatch.org.au

     Headspace: https://www.headspace.org.au


*slut-shaming : also known as slut-bashing, is the idea of shaming and/or attacking a woman or a girl for being sexual, having one or more sexual partners, acknowledging sexual feelings, and/or acting on sexual feelings

by Jayneen Sanders

[copyright] Educate2Empower Publishing: www.e2epublishing.info

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