E2E collaboration with GAT Foundation, Consuelo Foundation - as featured by Entree Pinays

E2E collaboration with GAT Foundation, Consuelo Foundation - as featured by Entree Pinays

Report provided by Entree Pinays, a collective of entrepreneurial Filipinas working together to bring Filipino cuisine, culture and community to the hearts and minds of Australians in Wurundjeri country.

When you bring together three amazing women with the genuine love for children and passion to empower their well-being through education, this is the extraordinary that happens.

This Australian children's book has been translated into TAGALOG (Filipino) - made possible by the amazing collaboration and work of the three women spotlighted in our recent COFFEE & CHIKAHAN:

- Jayneen Sanders - Author, My Body! What I Say Goes! Educate2Empower Publishing

- Samantha Bonney - Founder, GAT Foundation

- Emma Ignacio - Communications and Advocacy Manager, Consuelo Zobel Alger Foundation Philippines

With the the financial and operational support of the @consuelofoundation, named after Founder and Benefactress - the late Doña Consuelo Zobel Alger - 5000 copies of this book will soon make it into the hands of the Department of Justice Philippines and partner organisations dedicated to the recovery and protection of child survivors of sexual abuse and exploitation. A book to empower and teach children about personal body safety, feelings, safe and unsafe touch, private parts, secrets and surprises, consent, and respectful relationships.

The Entree.Pinays make a pledge to continue to work with these amazing women to see this book translated into Visayan, the Filipino dialect more widely spoken than Tagalog, and in e-book format. We look forward to sharing more about how the BARRIO can get involved in making this extraordinary happen for our children, for our Motherland.

The English language version is available for purchase on @educate2empower’s website, and is also available in an Indigenous Edition. By supporting Jayneen and purchasing her titles, you give her the opportunity to continue the amazing work she does with underserved communities, including the Philippines. Through our collective actions, we can work together to renew hope for those who have lost it, and give hope to those who never had it.

Catch this Coffee & Chikahan episode now on YouTube: https://youtu.be/KLIQCBBm7nI

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