We only get ONE childhood.

We only get ONE childhood.

Ensure your child is educated in BODY SAFETY.

We only get ONE childhood.

Ensure your child is educated in BODY SAFETY.

You can make a HUGE difference to our world.

You can make a HUGE difference to our world.

Dear Global Parents, You can make a HUGE difference to our world. It will cost you nothing. Simply teach body safety' to your kids. And tell others to do the same. Here is your chance to change the world. Here is your chance to change the statistics: 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 12 boys will be sexually abused before 18. 85% will know their perpetrators. Here is your chance to CHANGE THE WORLD from your own home.

You can make a HUGE difference to our world.

Dear Global Parents, You can make a HUGE difference to our world. It will cost you nothing. Simply teach body safety' to your kids. And tell others to do the same. Here is your chance to change the world. Here is your chance to change the statistics: 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 12 boys will be sexually abused before 18. 85% will know their perpetrators. Here is your chance to CHANGE THE WORLD from your own home.



Sexual Assault Forewarned Education   KEEP KIDS SAFE - EDUCATE. EDUCATE. EDUCATE!


Sexual Assault Forewarned Education   KEEP KIDS SAFE - EDUCATE. EDUCATE. EDUCATE!

1 in 5 girls and 1 in 12 boys will be sexually abused.

1 in 5 girls and 1 in 12 boys will be sexually abused.

1 in 5 girls and 1 in 12 boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. 85% will know their perpetrators. To REDUCE Child Sexual Abuse ... EDUCATE your child and EDUCATE your community.

1 in 5 girls and 1 in 12 boys will be sexually abused.

1 in 5 girls and 1 in 12 boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. 85% will know their perpetrators. To REDUCE Child Sexual Abuse ... EDUCATE your child and EDUCATE your community.

Sexual Abuse Easiest crimes to commit...

Sexual Abuse Easiest crimes to commit...

The sexual abuse of children is one of the easiest crimes to commit, BUT one of the hardest to convict. What can you do to help kids? EDUCATE your child and EDUCATE your community.

Sexual Abuse Easiest crimes to commit...

The sexual abuse of children is one of the easiest crimes to commit, BUT one of the hardest to convict. What can you do to help kids? EDUCATE your child and EDUCATE your community.



Teach children the correct names for their body parts. Explain that our private body parts are those under our bathing suit (also include the mouth). Instruct that no-one can touch your private body parts or show you pictures of private body parts. Explain you must never touch another person's private body parts even if an older child or adult asks you to. Discuss Early Warning Signs, i.e. sweaty palms, racing heart, sick tummy; always act on your early warning signs. You can shout, "Stop" or "No!" (hand held out) if touched on your private body parts. Tell a trusted adult...


Teach children the correct names for their body parts. Explain that our private body parts are those under our bathing suit (also include the mouth). Instruct that no-one can touch your private body parts or show you pictures of private body parts. Explain you must never touch another person's private body parts even if an older child or adult asks you to. Discuss Early Warning Signs, i.e. sweaty palms, racing heart, sick tummy; always act on your early warning signs. You can shout, "Stop" or "No!" (hand held out) if touched on your private body parts. Tell a trusted adult...

Don't Hesitate!

Don't Hesitate!

It can be the difference between a life of possibilities and life changed forever. Don't hesitate! EDUCATE YOUR CHILD IN BODY SAFETY. Just in case...

Don't Hesitate!

It can be the difference between a life of possibilities and life changed forever. Don't hesitate! EDUCATE YOUR CHILD IN BODY SAFETY. Just in case...

Debunking 6 Myths About Body Safety Education

Debunking 6 Myths About Body Safety Education

1. My child will lose their innocence They won't. They will be empowered. This knowledge will keep them safe. It is far better that they are educated than have their childhood stolen. Childhood sexual abuse cannot be undone. 2. Sex and the act of sexual abuse will be discussed When we teach road safety, we don't show children graphic images. Similarly, when we teach body safety, it is age-appropriate and non-threatening. Sex and the act of sexual abuse is never mentioned. 3. My child is too young to be educated in body safety 3 to 8 years is the most...

Debunking 6 Myths About Body Safety Education

1. My child will lose their innocence They won't. They will be empowered. This knowledge will keep them safe. It is far better that they are educated than have their childhood stolen. Childhood sexual abuse cannot be undone. 2. Sex and the act of sexual abuse will be discussed When we teach road safety, we don't show children graphic images. Similarly, when we teach body safety, it is age-appropriate and non-threatening. Sex and the act of sexual abuse is never mentioned. 3. My child is too young to be educated in body safety 3 to 8 years is the most...

Don't let YOUR fear place your child at risk of sexual abuse!

Don't let YOUR fear place your child at risk of sexual abuse!

Parents! Don't let YOUR fear place your child at risk of sexual abuse! EDUCATE!

Don't let YOUR fear place your child at risk of sexual abuse!

Parents! Don't let YOUR fear place your child at risk of sexual abuse! EDUCATE!

1 in 5 girls and 1 in 12 boys will be sexually abused before 18.

1 in 5 girls and 1 in 12 boys will be sexually abused before 18.

I am a teacher. I walk into a room of 30, 6 year olds. Statistically I know approximately 3 of the girls and 1 of the boys have been, are being, or will be sexually abused. CHANGE THIS STATISTIC. EDUCATE CHILDREN IN BODY SAFETY!

1 in 5 girls and 1 in 12 boys will be sexually abused before 18.

I am a teacher. I walk into a room of 30, 6 year olds. Statistically I know approximately 3 of the girls and 1 of the boys have been, are being, or will be sexually abused. CHANGE THIS STATISTIC. EDUCATE CHILDREN IN BODY SAFETY!

When children speak. Always listen and BELIEVE!

When children speak. Always listen and BELIEVE!

When children speak. Always listen and BELIEVE! If you don't ... that child's life may change forever. DEPRESSION. ANXIETY. SUICIDE. ON-GOING SEXUAL ABUSE. LOW-ESTEEM. SELF-HARM. BELIEVING children sends the message that what they have to say is IMPORTANT. CHILDREN HAVE A VOICE. BELIEVE A CHILD TODAY!

When children speak. Always listen and BELIEVE!

When children speak. Always listen and BELIEVE! If you don't ... that child's life may change forever. DEPRESSION. ANXIETY. SUICIDE. ON-GOING SEXUAL ABUSE. LOW-ESTEEM. SELF-HARM. BELIEVING children sends the message that what they have to say is IMPORTANT. CHILDREN HAVE A VOICE. BELIEVE A CHILD TODAY!

12 Encouraging Phrases to Build Resilience in Kids

12 Encouraging Phrases to Build Resilience in Kids

I love the way you always try so hard. Keep going, you're nearly there. I'm so proud of how you always give things your best try. I know this is hard but I also know you will get there in the end. What other ways could you approach this? Is there a way I can help you without doing the task for you? I believe in you. You've got this. Just take a few deep breaths and try again/another way. Believing in yourself takes lots of practice. Sometimes we have to fail and then try again, and maybe even fail...

12 Encouraging Phrases to Build Resilience in Kids

I love the way you always try so hard. Keep going, you're nearly there. I'm so proud of how you always give things your best try. I know this is hard but I also know you will get there in the end. What other ways could you approach this? Is there a way I can help you without doing the task for you? I believe in you. You've got this. Just take a few deep breaths and try again/another way. Believing in yourself takes lots of practice. Sometimes we have to fail and then try again, and maybe even fail...