Dear Men, Imagine this:

Dear Men, Imagine this:

You can't take public transport alone at night you can't walk or run alone in the late afternoon or evening. You always ask a male friend to walk you to your car at night. You always check the backseat of your car when you get in. You park in well-lit areas you never use a parking garage. You lock your car door as soon as you get in you always make sure your garage door is closed before you get out of the car you never wear headphones when jogging or walking alone. You never walk or run alone in...

Dear Men, Imagine this:

You can't take public transport alone at night you can't walk or run alone in the late afternoon or evening. You always ask a male friend to walk you to your car at night. You always check the backseat of your car when you get in. You park in well-lit areas you never use a parking garage. You lock your car door as soon as you get in you always make sure your garage door is closed before you get out of the car you never wear headphones when jogging or walking alone. You never walk or run alone in...

You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl?

You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl?

You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl? Well one day she's going to be an amazing, strong, determined and independent young woman! So hang in there! Jayneen Sanders

You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl?

You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl? Well one day she's going to be an amazing, strong, determined and independent young woman! So hang in there! Jayneen Sanders

Am I Reinforcing Gender Stereotyping in My Classroom?

Am I Reinforcing Gender Stereotyping in My Classroom?

We know from research that gender inequality is the basis of domestic and family violence - where one gender (most often, male) believes they have power over another. By being more aware of our own gender biases in our classrooms, we have the chance to help change culture - where all genders are treated equally and with respect. Do l encourage all genders in maths and science? Do I provide stories/poems/plays where girls are the main characters and/or boys have a nurturing role? Do l ask both girls and boys equally to take out the bins, clean the tables, carry...

Am I Reinforcing Gender Stereotyping in My Classroom?

We know from research that gender inequality is the basis of domestic and family violence - where one gender (most often, male) believes they have power over another. By being more aware of our own gender biases in our classrooms, we have the chance to help change culture - where all genders are treated equally and with respect. Do l encourage all genders in maths and science? Do I provide stories/poems/plays where girls are the main characters and/or boys have a nurturing role? Do l ask both girls and boys equally to take out the bins, clean the tables, carry...

Let Me Be Free!

Let Me Be Free!

Let me be free to be me   Let me Wonder Wander Listen and look   Let me Explore Imagine Investigate, create   Let me be free to be me

Let Me Be Free!

Let me be free to be me   Let me Wonder Wander Listen and look   Let me Explore Imagine Investigate, create   Let me be free to be me

For Kids Everywhere

For Kids Everywhere

Are you feeling sad? I am too. It's okay to be sad, It's okay to be you.   Are you missing school? Friends and family too? It's okay to say so, It's okay if you do.   What do you miss? Who do you miss? Why don't you draw or write a list?   Having a chat may help too. Is there someone close by Who will listen to you?   Remember! Nothing lasts forever, Nothing stays the same. When all this is over, You'll feel happiness again!   Love Jayneen XX

For Kids Everywhere

Are you feeling sad? I am too. It's okay to be sad, It's okay to be you.   Are you missing school? Friends and family too? It's okay to say so, It's okay if you do.   What do you miss? Who do you miss? Why don't you draw or write a list?   Having a chat may help too. Is there someone close by Who will listen to you?   Remember! Nothing lasts forever, Nothing stays the same. When all this is over, You'll feel happiness again!   Love Jayneen XX

Child Protection Week

Child Protection Week

10 simple things you can do to reduce child sexual abuse: Teach your child Body Safety from 2.5 years old ( Talk to other families about the importance of teaching their children Body Safety. Ask your child's school/kindergarten if they teach Body Safety. If not, lobby for it. Share Body Safety articles and blogs with friends/family on Facebook. Lobby your local member to mandate the teaching of Body Safety in all schools and kindergartens. Stay alert to any warning signs that a child you know may be being abused (see Believe a child when they disclose abuse-your initial reaction...

Child Protection Week

10 simple things you can do to reduce child sexual abuse: Teach your child Body Safety from 2.5 years old ( Talk to other families about the importance of teaching their children Body Safety. Ask your child's school/kindergarten if they teach Body Safety. If not, lobby for it. Share Body Safety articles and blogs with friends/family on Facebook. Lobby your local member to mandate the teaching of Body Safety in all schools and kindergartens. Stay alert to any warning signs that a child you know may be being abused (see Believe a child when they disclose abuse-your initial reaction...

Home Task Ideas

Home Task Ideas

HOME TASK IDEAS Here are some quick, educational and fun HOME TASK IDEAS for your kids while they are being educated at home. I hope these help! Using images online, photos or pics from old magazines, have your child make a scrapbook about anything they are interested in. Add captions and labels. On the computer or in a note pad, have your child write a journal, expressing their thoughts and feelings at this time or simply writing stories. Scribe stories for a child not yet reading, and have them add illustrations. Encourage them to read the stories back to you....

Home Task Ideas

HOME TASK IDEAS Here are some quick, educational and fun HOME TASK IDEAS for your kids while they are being educated at home. I hope these help! Using images online, photos or pics from old magazines, have your child make a scrapbook about anything they are interested in. Add captions and labels. On the computer or in a note pad, have your child write a journal, expressing their thoughts and feelings at this time or simply writing stories. Scribe stories for a child not yet reading, and have them add illustrations. Encourage them to read the stories back to you....

Coronavirus in 2020

Coronavirus in 2020

CORONAVIRUS IN 2020 "We have never been so apart, yet so connected." Jayneen Sanders

Coronavirus in 2020

CORONAVIRUS IN 2020 "We have never been so apart, yet so connected." Jayneen Sanders