Take a Breath Activity
Take a Breath Activity
How do we prevent violence, disrespectful behaviours and gender inequality in our communities? A very challenging question. Maybe … if we began at the beginning by teaching our kids to ‘take a breath’ before they act or speak — then we might see more positive outcomes in generations to come. Let’s hope so!
‘Take a Breath' Activity is for students 8 to 17 years. It can be explored in classrooms, homes and community settings such as church groups and sporting clubs.
The ‘Take a Breath’ Activity aims to help students:
- understand that our words and how we deliver them matter
- understand our words can affect another’s self-esteem, confidence, anxiety levels and happiness
- understand that our words can make others feel powerless
- realise that verbal abuse is unacceptable in all societies
- understand that verbal abuse can lead to other forms of abuse and control
- express their feelings and emotions in a more regulated way towards positive outcomes
- listen to another’s point of view with increased empathy, understanding and perspective
- learn to self-regulate.
Through a series of role plays and then discussion questions guided by the facilitator, the overall objective of this activity is to have students, when responding to a challenging situation or conversation to:
- Take a Breath (STOP for a few seconds before responding).
- Ask themselves 3 questions about what they are about to say:
- Is this helpful?
- Is this hurtful?
- Will this cause unhappiness to the other person and/or myself?
- Then Rethink Their Response.
Language Translations
Language Translations
We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to grow up safe, informed, and empowered. Your translation can help.
If you are able to provide a translation of any of our posters or activity sheets please contact us.