Girls Who Build poster - FREE POSTER SET
Girls Who Build poster - FREE POSTER SET
This set of 9, A3 size full-colour posters (download only) seeks to break down gender stereotypes and the restrictive labels often placed on girls, which can constrain their growth, development, ambitions and learning opportunities.
The posters can be displayed as a set or individually e.g. in kindergartens, schools, workplaces, and community spaces where both adults and children can view and discuss. Labelling children through gender stereotyping restricts all genders developing into their true and authentic selves. These posters focus on ‘girls’ so that all genders realise that providing girls with toys, activities and opportunities that traditionally were offered only to boys is crucial to a fair and equal society. A society where girls and women can grow and develop into who they were always meant to be. #nolabels #nolimits
Suitable for ages 3+.
There are 9 posters in the Girls Who Build poster set:
- Girls who build with blocks and Lego…become women who are architects, builders and engineers.
- Girls who play with trucks, trains and tractors … become women who are mechanics, train drivers and farmers.
- Girls who design and make model aeroplanes …become women who are pilots, astronauts and aerospace engineers.
- Girls who are given the opportunity to pursue science …become women who are geologists, epidemiologists and pharmacists.
- Girls who participate in sport…become women who are professional runners, footballers, and surfers.
- Girls who are active in the environment … become women who are marine biologists, environmental scientists and park rangers.
- Girls who voice their opinions and are given opportunities to lead…become the changemakers and leaders this world needs.
- Girls who can be themselves… become the women they were always meant to be.
- Women can choose to be whoever they want to be!
Language Translations
Language Translations
We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to grow up safe, informed, and empowered. Your translation can help.
If you are able to provide a translation of any of our posters or activity sheets please contact us.