ThinkEqual - international Social and Emotional Learning curriculum to disrupt the cycle of violence and discrimination

ThinkEqual - international Social and Emotional Learning curriculum to disrupt the cycle of violence and discrimination

Educate2Empower Publishing has gifted four of their books to ThinkEqual for their global Social and Emotional Learning curriculum.

ThinkEqual has been gifted the 4 books: No Means No!, You, Me and Empathy, How Big Are Your Worries Little Bear?, and No Difference Between Us to include in their Social and Emotional Learning curriculum. This curriculum is currently being piloted in Sri Lanka (where the books have been translated into Sinhalese and Tamil). Botswana and Argentina are the next countries in the roll out with more countries to come!

“THINK EQUAL believes that the earlier we start the process of imparting social and emotional learning (SEL) to children, the greater the impact on lessening disaffection and discriminatory behaviour as the child grows into adolescence and beyond. Therefore, we are supplementing the crucial work being carried out by civil society organizations with youth-focused learning programs, with a fully comprehensive, formal SEL curriculum. And we are, crucially, starting this learning from the age of 3.”

UPDATE November 2018: THINK EQUAL is a global initiative that calls for a system change in education in order to end the discriminatory mind set and cycle of violence across our world. With pilots already running in 7 countries, THINK EQUAL AUSTRALIA is working to bring the pilot to Australian kindergartens and early learning centres in 2019.

Go to our main Giving Back page to read about the other projects we are contributing to in order to support and empower young people all around the world!

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