GOLD and SILVER in the 2024 Moonbeam Children's Books Awards
We are thrilled to announce that three of our titles have been recognized with top honours at the 2024 Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards! This prestigious award celebrates excellence in children’s books, and we are beyond proud to see our work acknowledged among the best in the industry. We strive to empower children through our books, and these awards affirm the impact our books are having on young readers and their communities. Gold Winner in Health Issues: My Body Safety Rules Buy Book Winning the Gold Medal in the Health Issues category, My Body Safety Rules is a book that...
GOLD and SILVER in the 2024 Moonbeam Children's Books Awards
We are thrilled to announce that three of our titles have been recognized with top honours at the 2024 Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards! This prestigious award celebrates excellence in children’s books, and we are beyond proud to see our work acknowledged among the best in the industry. We strive to...

Consent should be taught to children as soon as they begin to speak
Our favourite award-winning author, educator and advocate, Jayneen Sanders passionately believes children should be taught consent as early as two years of age, or as soon as a child begins to speak. She fiercely believes that teaching these crucial concepts to children from an early age will help them develop self-confidence and forge respectful relationships as teenagers and then adults, and be more considerate and empathetic individuals knowing that everyone has the right to feel safe. Jayneen has actively advocated for body safety, gender equality and respectful relationship education being taught both in homes and in schools for over twelve years....
Consent should be taught to children as soon as they begin to speak
Our favourite award-winning author, educator and advocate, Jayneen Sanders passionately believes children should be taught consent as early as two years of age, or as soon as a child begins to speak. She fiercely believes that teaching these crucial concepts to children from an early age will help them develop self-confidence...

Jayneen Sanders' book wins Silver Award in the 2019 Foreword INDIES!
WE’RE CELEBRATING individuality, equality, diversity, empathy and kindness. Winner of the SILVER Award for Children's Picture Books (early reader) in the Foreword Reviews 2019 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards! The Not-So-Perfect Princess and the Not-So-Dreadful Dragon is a fairy tale style story, written by Jayneen Sanders and illustrated by Paula J. Becker. Best suited for children aged 4 to 10 years. Princess Petal is NOT what you would expect the 'perfect' princess to be. In fact, she is quite the opposite. An enchanting tale about friendship, diversity, acceptance and being exactly who we are meant to be....
Jayneen Sanders' book wins Silver Award in the 2019 Foreword INDIES!
WE’RE CELEBRATING individuality, equality, diversity, empathy and kindness. Winner of the SILVER Award for Children's Picture Books (early reader) in the Foreword Reviews 2019 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards! The Not-So-Perfect Princess and the Not-So-Dreadful Dragon is a fairy tale style story, written by Jayneen Sanders and illustrated...

Teaching Children about Gender Equality — Books and Resources
On this page we have collated all of our resources specifically for promoting Gender Equality in children. The resources include books, lesson plans, free posters and activities. Why is promoting Gender Equality important for young children? Promoting Gender Equality will empower all children to realise that they should have equal opportunities, and will also encourage our younger generations to be more tolerant of differences reducing the occurrence of violence, abuse and harassment. Domestic violence occurs where one (or more) members of a family unit believe that they are superior, stronger, more powerful than the others, and this is encouraged via...
Teaching Children about Gender Equality — Books and Resources
On this page we have collated all of our resources specifically for promoting Gender Equality in children. The resources include books, lesson plans, free posters and activities. Why is promoting Gender Equality important for young children? Promoting Gender Equality will empower all children to realise that they should have equal...

Teaching children about Body Safety and Consent — Books and Resources
On this page we have collated all of our resources specifically for teaching children about Body Safety and Consent. The resources include books, lesson plans, free posters and activities. Why teach Body Safety and Consent to children? Body Safety and Consent Education aims to empower children with skills and knowledge that will lessen the likelihood of them becoming victims of childhood sexual abuse. It is known that approximately 20% of girls, and 8% of boys will experience sexual abuse before their 18th birthday (Pereda, et al, 2009). That is equivalent to 6 girls and 1 boy in each class of...
Teaching children about Body Safety and Consent — Books and Resources
On this page we have collated all of our resources specifically for teaching children about Body Safety and Consent. The resources include books, lesson plans, free posters and activities. Why teach Body Safety and Consent to children? Body Safety and Consent Education aims to empower children with skills and knowledge...

Empowering Children's Books: New Releases 2019!
Three great reasons to celebrate right now! We are very excited to announce the release of our three new children’s books to help empower kids with Social and Emotional Intelligence, and also to help promote Gender Equality. We’ve also recently migrated our online shop to a new system. We hope that you have a great experience using it! Please feel welcome to contact us with any feedback! About the new books: Hey There! What’s Your Super Power? A children's book to encourage a growth mindset of resilience, persistence, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-esteem. Written by Jayneen Sanders, illustrated by Sarah JenningsBest...
Empowering Children's Books: New Releases 2019!
Three great reasons to celebrate right now! We are very excited to announce the release of our three new children’s books to help empower kids with Social and Emotional Intelligence, and also to help promote Gender Equality. We’ve also recently migrated our online shop to a new system. We hope...

Let's Talk About Body Boundaries — Children's Book Bronze Award in Foreword INDIES 2018
Over 2,000 entries were submitted in 56 categories, with Foreword’s editors choosing approximately 10 finalists per genre. Those finalists were then mailed to individual librarians and booksellers charged with picking the Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners. Find out more about this book at: https://e2epublishing.info/products/lets-talk-about-body-boundaries-consent-and-r We also had 'Who Am I? I Am Me!' selected as a Top Ten Finalist in the Children's Picture Books, Early Reader category! Read the Foreword INDIES press release at: https://www.forewordreviews.com/articles/article/announcing-the-2018-foreword-indies-winners/ The Gold/Silver/Bronze winners of the Juvenile Non-Fiction category: https://www.forewordreviews.com/awards/winners/2018/juvenile-nonfiction/
Let's Talk About Body Boundaries — Children's Book Bronze Award in Foreword INDIES 2018
Over 2,000 entries were submitted in 56 categories, with Foreword’s editors choosing approximately 10 finalists per genre. Those finalists were then mailed to individual librarians and booksellers charged with picking the Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners. Find out more about this book at: https://e2epublishing.info/products/lets-talk-about-body-boundaries-consent-and-r We also had 'Who Am I?...

8 Ways That Children’s Books Encourage Gender Equality
A number of children’s books continue to reinforce gender stereotyping, i.e. girls are beautiful, charming, quiet and well-mannered; boys are strong, powerful, assertive and rarely show their emotions. It is important that we identify these and ensure our children also read books that defy these stereotypes so that equality between genders becomes normal. ‘There is no doubt that violence against women and children is deeply rooted in power imbalances that are reinforced by gender norms and stereotypes.’ (p2, State of Victoria, Royal Commission into Family Violence: Summary and recommendations, Parl Paper No 132 (2014–16)). To help reduce gender stereotyping,...
8 Ways That Children’s Books Encourage Gender Equality
A number of children’s books continue to reinforce gender stereotyping, i.e. girls are beautiful, charming, quiet and well-mannered; boys are strong, powerful, assertive and rarely show their emotions. It is important that we identify these and ensure our children also read books that defy these stereotypes so that equality between...

E2E children's books — FINALISTS in the 2018 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards
We were thrilled to receive the news that two of our latest publications have been selected as finalists in the 2018 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards! Congratulations to author Jayneen Sanders and illustrators Sarah Jennings and Diane Ewen! Finalist in Juvenile Non-Fiction: Let’s Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent and Respect Finalist in Children’s Picture Books, Early Reader: Who Am I? I Am Me! As part of its mission to discover, review, and share the best books from university and independent publishers, Foreword Magazine, Inc. (@forewordreviews) hosts an annual awards program each year. Finalists represent the best books published...
E2E children's books — FINALISTS in the 2018 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards
We were thrilled to receive the news that two of our latest publications have been selected as finalists in the 2018 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards! Congratulations to author Jayneen Sanders and illustrators Sarah Jennings and Diane Ewen! Finalist in Juvenile Non-Fiction: Let’s Talk About Body Boundaries, Consent...

What is Body Safety Education?
Body Safety Education (aka sexual abuse prevention education) aims to empower children with skills and knowledge that will lessen the likelihood of them becoming victims of childhood sexual abuse. In summary, Body Safety Education teaches children: the correct names for their private body parts the difference between safe and unsafe touch not to keep secrets that make them feel bad/uncomfortable what to do if they are touched inappropriately general assertiveness — especially in relation to their own body. For a more in-depth coverage of Body Safety Education go to Jayneen's book 'Body Safety Education: a parents' guide to protecting kids...
What is Body Safety Education?
Body Safety Education (aka sexual abuse prevention education) aims to empower children with skills and knowledge that will lessen the likelihood of them becoming victims of childhood sexual abuse. In summary, Body Safety Education teaches children: the correct names for their private body parts the difference between safe and unsafe...

Top 15 Must-Have Children’s Books on Personal Safety and Emotional Health
Keeping Kids Safe from Sexual Abuse 1. Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept by Jayneen Sanders Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept is a beautifully illustrated picture book that sensitively broaches the subject of keeping our children safe from inappropriate touch. We teach water safety and road safety but how do we teach 'body safety' to young children in a way that is neither frightening nor confronting? This book is an invaluable tool for parents, caregivers, teachers and health professionals. The comprehensive notes to the reader and discussion questions at the back of the book support both the reader and...
Top 15 Must-Have Children’s Books on Personal Safety and Emotional Health
Keeping Kids Safe from Sexual Abuse 1. Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept by Jayneen Sanders Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept is a beautifully illustrated picture book that sensitively broaches the subject of keeping our children safe from inappropriate touch. We teach water safety and road safety but how...

Why I Wrote Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept
Many years ago when I was having a break from teaching, I worked as an editor at an educational publisher. One of the first books I ever edited was a teacher’s resource called ‘Keeping Children Safe’ by Dr Freda Briggs. It was all about teaching children body safety and it had a huge impact on me as a young woman. Many years later when I became a mother, I made sure my three daughters were educated in body safety and knew the difference between good and bad touch. Knowing I had educated them from a young age (3 years onwards),...
Why I Wrote Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept
Many years ago when I was having a break from teaching, I worked as an editor at an educational publisher. One of the first books I ever edited was a teacher’s resource called ‘Keeping Children Safe’ by Dr Freda Briggs. It was all about teaching children body safety and it...