I wrote this piece really for men, knowing that most likely, only women will read it. If men read it, they might realise what it's like for us, day to day. To be in our shoes. Not only do women have to cope with the majority of domestic work, pay disparity, feeling unsafe, objectification, the beauty ideal, they have to cope with not being understood by the person closest to them. Please read this piece to your male partner and tell us their response. DIARY OF A WOMAN Monday Got up at 5am. Made it to the gym by...
I wrote this piece really for men, knowing that most likely, only women will read it. If men read it, they might realise what it's like for us, day to day. To be in our shoes. Not only do women have to cope with the majority of domestic work, pay...

After this morning’s conversation with my 22-year-old daughter, we concluded more and more young men want to know how they can be active participants in the journey towards gender equality. They are just stumped in how to do this without reverting to, ‘Hey! I’m a nice guy! It’s not me!’ Here are some practical tips for men on how they can modify behaviours that contribute to gender inequality so that girls and women and those who identify as female feel safe and supported. 1. Be empathic. Imagine what it’s like for women to always be on the alert. (Provide examples...
After this morning’s conversation with my 22-year-old daughter, we concluded more and more young men want to know how they can be active participants in the journey towards gender equality. They are just stumped in how to do this without reverting to, ‘Hey! I’m a nice guy! It’s not me!’...

Raising 'Good' Boys
As parents we are well versed in the age old art of worrying. From the moment we realise we are going to become a mother or father our excitement is also mixed with apprehension. Will I be a good parent? What if I get it wrong? What if I mess them up? As a mother of both a son and daughter, I feel the burden of responsibility weighing more heavily in regard to raising my son. We often hear parents expressing their concern for their daughters – their safety, and how they will be treated by boys and men. And...
Raising 'Good' Boys
As parents we are well versed in the age old art of worrying. From the moment we realise we are going to become a mother or father our excitement is also mixed with apprehension. Will I be a good parent? What if I get it wrong? What if I mess...

15 Key Communication Skills for Students
The following communication skills may be helpful for students when discussing or debating ideas in a group situation. Let everyone have a turn at speaking. 1. Allow everyone in the group a chance to speak and acknowledge what they said respectfully, e.g. “I hear and understand what you said and I agree/disagree. I think … because …” Don’t make fun or discount another person’s ideas. 2. Speak about ideas and not about a person/s. Listen to others when it’s their turn. Listening to other’s ideas is how we learn. 3. Do not dominate the conversation; allow each person a...
15 Key Communication Skills for Students
The following communication skills may be helpful for students when discussing or debating ideas in a group situation. Let everyone have a turn at speaking. 1. Allow everyone in the group a chance to speak and acknowledge what they said respectfully, e.g. “I hear and understand what you said...

If you are a woman, remember this...
This poem is dedicated to the young woman I met on the weekend. Don’t say sorry before you speak. Just speak. What you have to say is important. Don’t say sorry because you are taking up space. It’s your space, you own it.Don’t say sorry because you don’t want that drink he wants you to have.Don’t say sorry because you want a night in not out.Don’t say sorry because your boss screwed up, not you.Don’t say sorry because you love dessert and no one else does. Don’t say sorry because your test results were higher than his.Don’t say sorry because your body...
If you are a woman, remember this...
This poem is dedicated to the young woman I met on the weekend. Don’t say sorry before you speak. Just speak. What you have to say is important. Don’t say sorry because you are taking up space. It’s your space, you own it.Don’t say sorry because you don’t want that drink...

Empowering Tweens, Teenage Girls and Young Women
As parents we want our girls to grow up confident, with an amazing sense of self-worth, a whole lot of resilience and respect for others and the world around them. In a world where gender inequality is still a major issue and sexual harassment of young girls is beginning younger and younger, we need empowered daughters. There is no easy fix for this, but as a mother of three young women here are a few suggestions. 1. From a very young age educate your daughter to understand her body is her body, and that people must respect her personal body...
Empowering Tweens, Teenage Girls and Young Women
As parents we want our girls to grow up confident, with an amazing sense of self-worth, a whole lot of resilience and respect for others and the world around them. In a world where gender inequality is still a major issue and sexual harassment of young girls is beginning younger...

A DUMMIES’ Guide for Teenage Boys in How to Respect Girls
1. Treat girls as human because that is what they are. They breathe and they have feelings. Your words and actions can cause lasting damage. Think before you speak and act. 2. No slut-shaming*. Girls have the right to wear whatever they like without fear of being sexually assaulted. What they are wearing or the fact that they enjoy sex is not an invitation for you to make unwanted sexual advances or speak about or to a girl in slut-shaming terms. 3. When a girl says ‘NO’ to anything she means ‘NO!’ She does not mean ‘maybe’ or ‘I’m not...
A DUMMIES’ Guide for Teenage Boys in How to Respect Girls
1. Treat girls as human because that is what they are. They breathe and they have feelings. Your words and actions can cause lasting damage. Think before you speak and act. 2. No slut-shaming*. Girls have the right to wear whatever they like without fear of being sexually assaulted. What...

How Fathers Can Affect Their Daughters’ Take on the World
My husband and I have three amazing daughters, all young women now who are seeking out life’s adventures and their place in the world. In my recent children’s book on gender equality ‘Pearl Fairweather Pirate Captain’ I wrote the following dedication to my husband: “To my wonderful husband, Mark, because from the moment we met, equality was always a given.” And there it is! Equality! The key word to how we have always and will continue to parent. And from that basis, I will endeavour to list all the things I believe my husband as a feminist father has given...
How Fathers Can Affect Their Daughters’ Take on the World
My husband and I have three amazing daughters, all young women now who are seeking out life’s adventures and their place in the world. In my recent children’s book on gender equality ‘Pearl Fairweather Pirate Captain’ I wrote the following dedication to my husband: “To my wonderful husband, Mark, because...

Dear Mothers and Fathers of Boys
As a mother of girls in 2016 I have the following requests — especially as my daughters are now young women. Please teach your sons the following as they grow into manhood. 1. Teach your sons, from a very young age, that girls are not here on this earth for them. For example, they cannot simply take hold of a girl’s hand during kindergarten story-time or chase her around trying to ‘steal kisses’. If your son wishes to hold a little girl’s hand, he will need to ask. For example, ‘Please, may I hold you hand?’ If she says, ‘Yes’,...
Dear Mothers and Fathers of Boys
As a mother of girls in 2016 I have the following requests — especially as my daughters are now young women. Please teach your sons the following as they grow into manhood. 1. Teach your sons, from a very young age, that girls are not here on this earth for...