Unpacking Gender Stereotyping Language With Kids
As your child grows, they will begin to interact with the community around them. Other’s values, ideas and opinions will infiltrate your family. This can be positive, but it can also be negative. You may be bringing up your little person to value all people in an inclusive and kind way, but others outside your immediate family group may not share your values especially around gender equality. And these values, unfortunately, will filter down into your child’s world, that is, in the playground, school settings, play dates, sporting groups, etc. Below are some ‘conversation starters’ you can have with your...
Unpacking Gender Stereotyping Language With Kids
As your child grows, they will begin to interact with the community around them. Other’s values, ideas and opinions will infiltrate your family. This can be positive, but it can also be negative. You may be bringing up your little person to value all people in an inclusive and kind...

I wrote this piece really for men, knowing that most likely, only women will read it. If men read it, they might realise what it's like for us, day to day. To be in our shoes. Not only do women have to cope with the majority of domestic work, pay disparity, feeling unsafe, objectification, the beauty ideal, they have to cope with not being understood by the person closest to them. Please read this piece to your male partner and tell us their response. DIARY OF A WOMAN Monday Got up at 5am. Made it to the gym by...
I wrote this piece really for men, knowing that most likely, only women will read it. If men read it, they might realise what it's like for us, day to day. To be in our shoes. Not only do women have to cope with the majority of domestic work, pay...

After this morning’s conversation with my 22-year-old daughter, we concluded more and more young men want to know how they can be active participants in the journey towards gender equality. They are just stumped in how to do this without reverting to, ‘Hey! I’m a nice guy! It’s not me!’ Here are some practical tips for men on how they can modify behaviours that contribute to gender inequality so that girls and women and those who identify as female feel safe and supported. 1. Be empathic. Imagine what it’s like for women to always be on the alert. (Provide examples...
After this morning’s conversation with my 22-year-old daughter, we concluded more and more young men want to know how they can be active participants in the journey towards gender equality. They are just stumped in how to do this without reverting to, ‘Hey! I’m a nice guy! It’s not me!’...

Raising 'Good' Boys
As parents we are well versed in the age old art of worrying. From the moment we realise we are going to become a mother or father our excitement is also mixed with apprehension. Will I be a good parent? What if I get it wrong? What if I mess them up? As a mother of both a son and daughter, I feel the burden of responsibility weighing more heavily in regard to raising my son. We often hear parents expressing their concern for their daughters – their safety, and how they will be treated by boys and men. And...
Raising 'Good' Boys
As parents we are well versed in the age old art of worrying. From the moment we realise we are going to become a mother or father our excitement is also mixed with apprehension. Will I be a good parent? What if I get it wrong? What if I mess...

I'm NOT Sorry!
“Bess,” said Nana. “Say sorry.” “But I’m NOT sorry,” replied Bess. “Ty pushed me off the swing, so I pushed him back.” We’ve heard it all before — girls, from a young age, told to say sorry. To be polite. To have their manners. To be a good girl. To cause no waves. To keep the peace. But what if they’re NOT sorry? What if they were simply standing up for their rights? What if they didn’t like what the person had said or done to them? What if they wanted to use THEIR voice? Times...
I'm NOT Sorry!
“Bess,” said Nana. “Say sorry.” “But I’m NOT sorry,” replied Bess. “Ty pushed me off the swing, so I pushed him back.” We’ve heard it all before — girls, from a young age, told to say sorry. To be polite. To have their manners. To be a good...

Jayneen Sanders' book wins Silver Award in the 2019 Foreword INDIES!
WE’RE CELEBRATING individuality, equality, diversity, empathy and kindness. Winner of the SILVER Award for Children's Picture Books (early reader) in the Foreword Reviews 2019 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards! The Not-So-Perfect Princess and the Not-So-Dreadful Dragon is a fairy tale style story, written by Jayneen Sanders and illustrated by Paula J. Becker. Best suited for children aged 4 to 10 years. Princess Petal is NOT what you would expect the 'perfect' princess to be. In fact, she is quite the opposite. An enchanting tale about friendship, diversity, acceptance and being exactly who we are meant to be....
Jayneen Sanders' book wins Silver Award in the 2019 Foreword INDIES!
WE’RE CELEBRATING individuality, equality, diversity, empathy and kindness. Winner of the SILVER Award for Children's Picture Books (early reader) in the Foreword Reviews 2019 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards! The Not-So-Perfect Princess and the Not-So-Dreadful Dragon is a fairy tale style story, written by Jayneen Sanders and illustrated...

Teaching Children about Gender Equality — Books and Resources
On this page we have collated all of our resources specifically for promoting Gender Equality in children. The resources include books, lesson plans, free posters and activities. Why is promoting Gender Equality important for young children? Promoting Gender Equality will empower all children to realise that they should have equal opportunities, and will also encourage our younger generations to be more tolerant of differences reducing the occurrence of violence, abuse and harassment. Domestic violence occurs where one (or more) members of a family unit believe that they are superior, stronger, more powerful than the others, and this is encouraged via...
Teaching Children about Gender Equality — Books and Resources
On this page we have collated all of our resources specifically for promoting Gender Equality in children. The resources include books, lesson plans, free posters and activities. Why is promoting Gender Equality important for young children? Promoting Gender Equality will empower all children to realise that they should have equal...

Empowering Children's Books: New Releases 2019!
Three great reasons to celebrate right now! We are very excited to announce the release of our three new children’s books to help empower kids with Social and Emotional Intelligence, and also to help promote Gender Equality. We’ve also recently migrated our online shop to a new system. We hope that you have a great experience using it! Please feel welcome to contact us with any feedback! About the new books: Hey There! What’s Your Super Power? A children's book to encourage a growth mindset of resilience, persistence, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-esteem. Written by Jayneen Sanders, illustrated by Sarah JenningsBest...
Empowering Children's Books: New Releases 2019!
Three great reasons to celebrate right now! We are very excited to announce the release of our three new children’s books to help empower kids with Social and Emotional Intelligence, and also to help promote Gender Equality. We’ve also recently migrated our online shop to a new system. We hope...

8 Ways That Children’s Books Encourage Gender Equality
A number of children’s books continue to reinforce gender stereotyping, i.e. girls are beautiful, charming, quiet and well-mannered; boys are strong, powerful, assertive and rarely show their emotions. It is important that we identify these and ensure our children also read books that defy these stereotypes so that equality between genders becomes normal. ‘There is no doubt that violence against women and children is deeply rooted in power imbalances that are reinforced by gender norms and stereotypes.’ (p2, State of Victoria, Royal Commission into Family Violence: Summary and recommendations, Parl Paper No 132 (2014–16)). To help reduce gender stereotyping,...
8 Ways That Children’s Books Encourage Gender Equality
A number of children’s books continue to reinforce gender stereotyping, i.e. girls are beautiful, charming, quiet and well-mannered; boys are strong, powerful, assertive and rarely show their emotions. It is important that we identify these and ensure our children also read books that defy these stereotypes so that equality between...

Lesson Plans for Teachers: Body Safety; Gender Equality; Social and Emotional Intelligence
ATTENTION Teachers! We have just released some new resources: Lesson Plans for the topics of Body Safety, Gender Equality, and Social and Emotional Intelligence. Written by Jayneen Sanders and Yale Merceica, these fully developed lesson plans incorporate questions and activities based on the messages in our books, to help you convey important and empowering life skills to your students. The content is age-appropriate and suitable for Preschool and Primary/Elementary School classes. The Lesson Plans include: key outcomes, teaching notes, resource masters, whole class and individual activities integrated with the reading of our books to make the teaching process easier for you....
Lesson Plans for Teachers: Body Safety; Gender Equality; Social and Emotional Intelligence
ATTENTION Teachers! We have just released some new resources: Lesson Plans for the topics of Body Safety, Gender Equality, and Social and Emotional Intelligence. Written by Jayneen Sanders and Yale Merceica, these fully developed lesson plans incorporate questions and activities based on the messages in our books, to help you...

This is why we need to stop using gender stereotypes and promote gender equality in our homes and...
'The causes of family violence are complex and include gender inequality and community attitudes towards women...There is no doubt that violence against women and children is deeply rooted in power imbalances that are reinforced by gender norms and stereotypes.' (p2, State of Victoria, Royal Commission into Family Violence: Summary and recommendations, Parl Paper No 132 (2014–16). 'Stereotypes about men and women are reinforced through practices such as social tolerance of discrimination and the idea that violence against women is sometimes justified by women’s behaviour—for example, if a woman has sex with another man. Gender inequality is itself influenced by other...
This is why we need to stop using gender stereotypes and promote gender equality in our homes and...
'The causes of family violence are complex and include gender inequality and community attitudes towards women...There is no doubt that violence against women and children is deeply rooted in power imbalances that are reinforced by gender norms and stereotypes.' (p2, State of Victoria, Royal Commission into Family Violence: Summary and...

If you are a woman, remember this...
This poem is dedicated to the young woman I met on the weekend. Don’t say sorry before you speak. Just speak. What you have to say is important. Don’t say sorry because you are taking up space. It’s your space, you own it.Don’t say sorry because you don’t want that drink he wants you to have.Don’t say sorry because you want a night in not out.Don’t say sorry because your boss screwed up, not you.Don’t say sorry because you love dessert and no one else does. Don’t say sorry because your test results were higher than his.Don’t say sorry because your body...
If you are a woman, remember this...
This poem is dedicated to the young woman I met on the weekend. Don’t say sorry before you speak. Just speak. What you have to say is important. Don’t say sorry because you are taking up space. It’s your space, you own it.Don’t say sorry because you don’t want that drink...