I wrote this piece really for men, knowing that most likely, only women will read it. If men read it, they might realise what it's like for us, day to day. To be in our shoes. Not only do women have to cope with the majority of domestic work, pay disparity, feeling unsafe, objectification, the beauty ideal, they have to cope with not being understood by the person closest to them. Please read this piece to your male partner and tell us their response. DIARY OF A WOMAN Monday Got up at 5am. Made it to the gym by...
I wrote this piece really for men, knowing that most likely, only women will read it. If men read it, they might realise what it's like for us, day to day. To be in our shoes. Not only do women have to cope with the majority of domestic work, pay...

8 Ways That Children’s Books Encourage Gender Equality
A number of children’s books continue to reinforce gender stereotyping, i.e. girls are beautiful, charming, quiet and well-mannered; boys are strong, powerful, assertive and rarely show their emotions. It is important that we identify these and ensure our children also read books that defy these stereotypes so that equality between genders becomes normal. ‘There is no doubt that violence against women and children is deeply rooted in power imbalances that are reinforced by gender norms and stereotypes.’ (p2, State of Victoria, Royal Commission into Family Violence: Summary and recommendations, Parl Paper No 132 (2014–16)). To help reduce gender stereotyping,...
8 Ways That Children’s Books Encourage Gender Equality
A number of children’s books continue to reinforce gender stereotyping, i.e. girls are beautiful, charming, quiet and well-mannered; boys are strong, powerful, assertive and rarely show their emotions. It is important that we identify these and ensure our children also read books that defy these stereotypes so that equality between...

This is why we need to stop using gender stereotypes and promote gender equality in our homes and...
'The causes of family violence are complex and include gender inequality and community attitudes towards women...There is no doubt that violence against women and children is deeply rooted in power imbalances that are reinforced by gender norms and stereotypes.' (p2, State of Victoria, Royal Commission into Family Violence: Summary and recommendations, Parl Paper No 132 (2014–16). 'Stereotypes about men and women are reinforced through practices such as social tolerance of discrimination and the idea that violence against women is sometimes justified by women’s behaviour—for example, if a woman has sex with another man. Gender inequality is itself influenced by other...
This is why we need to stop using gender stereotypes and promote gender equality in our homes and...
'The causes of family violence are complex and include gender inequality and community attitudes towards women...There is no doubt that violence against women and children is deeply rooted in power imbalances that are reinforced by gender norms and stereotypes.' (p2, State of Victoria, Royal Commission into Family Violence: Summary and...