If you are a woman, remember this...
This poem is dedicated to the young woman I met on the weekend. Don’t say sorry before you speak. Just speak. What you have to say is important. Don’t say sorry because you are taking up space. It’s your space, you own it.Don’t say sorry because you don’t want that drink he wants you to have.Don’t say sorry because you want a night in not out.Don’t say sorry because your boss screwed up, not you.Don’t say sorry because you love dessert and no one else does. Don’t say sorry because your test results were higher than his.Don’t say sorry because your body...
If you are a woman, remember this...
This poem is dedicated to the young woman I met on the weekend. Don’t say sorry before you speak. Just speak. What you have to say is important. Don’t say sorry because you are taking up space. It’s your space, you own it.Don’t say sorry because you don’t want that drink...

In This Classroom You Are Loved
I am writing this blog to acknowledge, honour and thank all the wonderful teachers out there who are beginning the school year in the Northern Hemisphere, and all my fellow teachers who are working so hard to ensure kids are loved, safe and nurtured in the Southern Hemisphere. Here’s what I know: a teacher can make all the difference to a child’s life. They can make a massive difference in a positive way, but conversely, they can leave a negative imprint as in the case of my own preschool teacher who stood my five-year-old self on a chair, in front...
In This Classroom You Are Loved
I am writing this blog to acknowledge, honour and thank all the wonderful teachers out there who are beginning the school year in the Northern Hemisphere, and all my fellow teachers who are working so hard to ensure kids are loved, safe and nurtured in the Southern Hemisphere. Here’s what...

Don’t Tell Me I’m Pretty, Tell Me I’m Smart
‘Don’t tell me I’m pretty, tell me I’m smart … and funny, artistic, kind, loving, friendly, unique, strong, fierce and clever. I am so much more than pretty.’ When relatives or family friends are introduced to a young girl, they will often open the conversation with something like this ... ‘Hello! You look pretty today. Your dress is beautiful.’ Don’t worry, we are all guilty of it; but by focusing only on a young girl’s physical appearance, what we are actually saying is this is what society values most about you. It is important for us to shift our focus...
Don’t Tell Me I’m Pretty, Tell Me I’m Smart
‘Don’t tell me I’m pretty, tell me I’m smart … and funny, artistic, kind, loving, friendly, unique, strong, fierce and clever. I am so much more than pretty.’ When relatives or family friends are introduced to a young girl, they will often open the conversation with something like this ... ...

Empowering Tweens, Teenage Girls and Young Women
As parents we want our girls to grow up confident, with an amazing sense of self-worth, a whole lot of resilience and respect for others and the world around them. In a world where gender inequality is still a major issue and sexual harassment of young girls is beginning younger and younger, we need empowered daughters. There is no easy fix for this, but as a mother of three young women here are a few suggestions. 1. From a very young age educate your daughter to understand her body is her body, and that people must respect her personal body...
Empowering Tweens, Teenage Girls and Young Women
As parents we want our girls to grow up confident, with an amazing sense of self-worth, a whole lot of resilience and respect for others and the world around them. In a world where gender inequality is still a major issue and sexual harassment of young girls is beginning younger...

10 Top Tips to Empower Kids
As parents we want our kids to grow up confident, with an amazing sense of self-worth, a whole lot of resilience and respect for others and the world around them. As adults, we know persistence and tenacity are important traits when the going becomes tough. Children are a blank slate when they are born. It is a scary thought, but in the early years, children will become what adults tell them they are. I have seen this both as an educator and a mother. The child who is told they are stupid and worthless will believe that is what they...
10 Top Tips to Empower Kids
As parents we want our kids to grow up confident, with an amazing sense of self-worth, a whole lot of resilience and respect for others and the world around them. As adults, we know persistence and tenacity are important traits when the going becomes tough. Children are a blank slate...

A Teenage Girl's Guide to Empowerment
1. Embrace your uniqueness and ignore anyone who tries to shame or bully you about your appearance. We all have a body and each body is different. Love yourself. 2. Do not slut-shame* other girls. Support each other. Women face many expectations from a male-dominated society. Lift each other up to fight gender inequality. 3. Pornography is not real. It is not what a loving respectful relationship looks like. What you may have seen are two or more actors. Even though the woman appears to enjoy sex that objectifies and degrades her, in real-life this most likely is not the...
A Teenage Girl's Guide to Empowerment
1. Embrace your uniqueness and ignore anyone who tries to shame or bully you about your appearance. We all have a body and each body is different. Love yourself. 2. Do not slut-shame* other girls. Support each other. Women face many expectations from a male-dominated society. Lift each other up...

Why I Wrote the Children’s Book ‘No Means No!’
About two years ago when I was a substitute teacher in a grade 1 class, I encountered a little girl of around 7 years old. For this blog, let’s call her Karli. Karli was a very shy child (unlike my own three outspoken daughters and myself as a child:)) but I respected this aspect of what I believed to be her innate nature. Karli was also one of those little girls that the boys seem to gravitate towards. Always buzzing around her and wanting to hug, kiss and hold her hand. Karli would respond with coy smiles and allow them...
Why I Wrote the Children’s Book ‘No Means No!’
About two years ago when I was a substitute teacher in a grade 1 class, I encountered a little girl of around 7 years old. For this blog, let’s call her Karli. Karli was a very shy child (unlike my own three outspoken daughters and myself as a child:)) but...

How Fathers Can Affect Their Daughters’ Take on the World
My husband and I have three amazing daughters, all young women now who are seeking out life’s adventures and their place in the world. In my recent children’s book on gender equality ‘Pearl Fairweather Pirate Captain’ I wrote the following dedication to my husband: “To my wonderful husband, Mark, because from the moment we met, equality was always a given.” And there it is! Equality! The key word to how we have always and will continue to parent. And from that basis, I will endeavour to list all the things I believe my husband as a feminist father has given...
How Fathers Can Affect Their Daughters’ Take on the World
My husband and I have three amazing daughters, all young women now who are seeking out life’s adventures and their place in the world. In my recent children’s book on gender equality ‘Pearl Fairweather Pirate Captain’ I wrote the following dedication to my husband: “To my wonderful husband, Mark, because...

8 Reasons NOT to Call Your Child’s Genitals ‘Pet’ Names
mini cupcake fireman's hose buddy doughnut muffin doodle wee butterfly flower pee-pee fanny doo-dad thingy peanut winky penny-loo tuppence doodle dick rah girl bits mickey twah-lah pee-pee winky-dink hooha pooter front bottom willy sausage cookie As an advocate for Body Safety Education both in homes and schools, I implore you to use the correct anatomical terms...
8 Reasons NOT to Call Your Child’s Genitals ‘Pet’ Names
mini cupcake fireman's hose buddy doughnut muffin doodle wee butterfly flower pee-pee fanny doo-dad thingy peanut winky penny-loo tuppence doodle dick rah girl bits ...

So Many Kids and So Many Parents Uneducated in Body Safety
We had a beautiful day here in Melbourne on Sunday. The sun was out, the sky was blue and the grass was green — littered with families picnicking in the magnificent Botanical Gardens. My husband and I wandered the shady paths, taking in all the joy. We even visited the children’s garden — I just love how it has been designed; everything being the perfect size for children! As I looked over the happy families enjoying the very best of Melbourne spring weather, I could not help but think of the statistics we know to be true. One in 5...
So Many Kids and So Many Parents Uneducated in Body Safety
We had a beautiful day here in Melbourne on Sunday. The sun was out, the sky was blue and the grass was green — littered with families picnicking in the magnificent Botanical Gardens. My husband and I wandered the shady paths, taking in all the joy. We even visited the...

Who Is Responsible for Keeping Kids Safe from Sexual Abuse?
Some advocates believe it is solely an adult’s responsibility to protect children from sexual abuse. While I totally agree that adults must: Educate the child in their care in Body Safety Education Become educated themselves in: grooming techniques used by perpetrators statistics on child sexual abuse the signs that a child is being sexually abused what to do if a child discloses Believe a child when they disclose Educate the wider community in the importance of protecting children from sexual abuse Let friends, family and those who come in contact with their child know that their child is educated in...
Who Is Responsible for Keeping Kids Safe from Sexual Abuse?
Some advocates believe it is solely an adult’s responsibility to protect children from sexual abuse. While I totally agree that adults must: Educate the child in their care in Body Safety Education Become educated themselves in: grooming techniques used by perpetrators statistics on child sexual abuse the signs that a...

12 Important Skills Your Child Will Learn from Body Safety Education
As a teacher, a mother and an advocate for Body Safety Education both at home and at school, I am very proud and very loud about the work I do. As we know from recent media reports, many children have been and are silent victims of sexual abuse. This needs to change. Our children need to be loud and proud that they are educated in Body Safety. This sends a very clear message to sex offenders that children today are empowered and know to tell! Here are 12 important skills your child will learn when educated in Body Safety. 1....
12 Important Skills Your Child Will Learn from Body Safety Education
As a teacher, a mother and an advocate for Body Safety Education both at home and at school, I am very proud and very loud about the work I do. As we know from recent media reports, many children have been and are silent victims of sexual abuse. This needs...