How to Educate Your Child in Body Safety
We teach our children water safety and road safety — it is equally important to teach our children ‘body safety’ from a very young age. As both a teacher and a mother, I strongly recommend to all parents that ‘body safety’ become a normal part of your parenting conversation. The sexual abuse of children has no social boundaries, and providing children with body safety skills both empowers them with knowledge of what is good and bad touch, and teaches simple but effective assertiveness — a crucial life-skill. The statistics of 1 in 3 girls and I in 6 boys will...
How to Educate Your Child in Body Safety
We teach our children water safety and road safety — it is equally important to teach our children ‘body safety’ from a very young age. As both a teacher and a mother, I strongly recommend to all parents that ‘body safety’ become a normal part of your parenting conversation. The...

Our Last Taboo — Child Sexual Abuse
Every day I feel more and more hopeful that our last taboo in this our ‘modern’ and ‘forward-thinking society’ is being, not only discussed, but acted upon. The prevention of child sexual abuse and its devastating aftermath, is finally being talked about in mainstream society. Not as quickly and not as openly as I would like, but I do believe more and more parents and educators are willing to discuss what they can do to prevent future generations of children from its crippling consequences. When I wrote Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept three years ago, the subject of child...
Our Last Taboo — Child Sexual Abuse
Every day I feel more and more hopeful that our last taboo in this our ‘modern’ and ‘forward-thinking society’ is being, not only discussed, but acted upon. The prevention of child sexual abuse and its devastating aftermath, is finally being talked about in mainstream society. Not as quickly and not...

Why I Wrote Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept
Many years ago when I was having a break from teaching, I worked as an editor at an educational publisher. One of the first books I ever edited was a teacher’s resource called ‘Keeping Children Safe’ by Dr Freda Briggs. It was all about teaching children body safety and it had a huge impact on me as a young woman. Many years later when I became a mother, I made sure my three daughters were educated in body safety and knew the difference between good and bad touch. Knowing I had educated them from a young age (3 years onwards),...
Why I Wrote Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept
Many years ago when I was having a break from teaching, I worked as an editor at an educational publisher. One of the first books I ever edited was a teacher’s resource called ‘Keeping Children Safe’ by Dr Freda Briggs. It was all about teaching children body safety and it...

Reassurance After a Child has Disclosed Sexual Abuse
As a parent of three teenagers, I was horrified to read of a mother and father’s reaction to their child’s rape at a friend’s party. The 14-year-old was drugged and than raped by a number of boys. Under a counsellors’s guidance, the teenager’s parents were told — their reaction had devastating consequences. They called their daughter a slut and all blame was put on her young shoulders. Later that year, she committed suicide. How different that young girl’s life might have been, had she been supported by her parents, told she was loved and that she was never to blame....
Reassurance After a Child has Disclosed Sexual Abuse
As a parent of three teenagers, I was horrified to read of a mother and father’s reaction to their child’s rape at a friend’s party. The 14-year-old was drugged and than raped by a number of boys. Under a counsellors’s guidance, the teenager’s parents were told — their reaction had...

Which Child is Being Sexually Abused?
I am currently back teaching, working daily with 24 + active kids ranging from 5 to 12 years. I am loving every moment of their raucous enthusiasm and their overall joy of learning… but as I instruct, laugh at their bubbly chatter and generally call for order, at the back of my mind something more sinister has been nagging at me. Finally, after a few weeks of in and out of various classrooms, I faced up to what I know to be true. Of a classroom I may enter of 24, six year olds — 3 of the girls and...
Which Child is Being Sexually Abused?
I am currently back teaching, working daily with 24 + active kids ranging from 5 to 12 years. I am loving every moment of their raucous enthusiasm and their overall joy of learning… but as I instruct, laugh at their bubbly chatter and generally call for order, at the back...

PLEASE Believe a Child Who Reveals Sexual Abuse
A young face peered out at me yesterday on my Newsfeed. Her name was Jade. She had a heart-shaped pixie face with eyes red-rimmed. If our eyes are the window to the soul, than this 16-year old soul was deeply distressed. Jade’s story on Facebook had been written by her friend. The language was not sophisticated but the story tore deep into my heart. Jade had been raped repeatedly by her uncle from the age of six. After years and years of abuse she finally told her family, only to not be believed. Some months later, Jade showed them...
PLEASE Believe a Child Who Reveals Sexual Abuse
A young face peered out at me yesterday on my Newsfeed. Her name was Jade. She had a heart-shaped pixie face with eyes red-rimmed. If our eyes are the window to the soul, than this 16-year old soul was deeply distressed. Jade’s story on Facebook had been written by...

In light of the Rolf Harris allegations…
In light of the Rolf Harris allegations... as parents and educators we need to listen up! Whether Rolf Harris proves to be guilty or not, what this media coverage highlights is a pedophile can be anyone. The sexual abuse of children has no social boundaries — 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 7 boys are sexually abused before their 18th birthday (Australia Institute of Criminology 2004) and in 93% of cases (and they are only the reported cases) the child knows and trusts the perpetrator. Pedophiles are in our community. And to be blunt, they may well be in...
In light of the Rolf Harris allegations…
In light of the Rolf Harris allegations... as parents and educators we need to listen up! Whether Rolf Harris proves to be guilty or not, what this media coverage highlights is a pedophile can be anyone. The sexual abuse of children has no social boundaries — 1 in 4 girls...

Age Appropriate and Inappropriate Sexual Behavior of Children
Normal sexual behavior Children have a natural curiosity about their bodies and sex. This is normal. If you see any of the following behaviors, try not to react in a negative way. Sexual curiosity is how children learn about their gender. Age appropriate sexual behavior can be as follows: • babies, toddlers and young children exploring their genitals and enjoying being naked • questions about why boy’s have a penis and girls don’t, i.e. trying to work out the difference between what it is to be male and what it is to be female • young children of a similar...
Age Appropriate and Inappropriate Sexual Behavior of Children
Normal sexual behavior Children have a natural curiosity about their bodies and sex. This is normal. If you see any of the following behaviors, try not to react in a negative way. Sexual curiosity is how children learn about their gender. Age appropriate sexual behavior can be as follows: • ...

An important question on sexual abuse prevention education
Of late, as an author and an advocate of sexual abuse prevention education, I have been asking myself a fundamental, yet very important question. A question that links to the reason why no publisher wished to publish my children’s book on sexual abuse prevention education, and why one bookshop refused to have me do a reading in their store! Quote: “Parents won’t perceive this topic very well." My question is: Why don’t parents teach body safety to their kids? Or even: Why do they actually even hesitate? To me, it is a no brainer. Prevention education is key. Prevention education...
An important question on sexual abuse prevention education
Of late, as an author and an advocate of sexual abuse prevention education, I have been asking myself a fundamental, yet very important question. A question that links to the reason why no publisher wished to publish my children’s book on sexual abuse prevention education, and why one bookshop refused...