Questions to ask your child’s child-care centre and school.

Questions to ask your child’s child-care centre and school.

We all want to keep our kids safe especially when they are being cared for by others. Below is a checklist of questions you can ask of your child-care providers and schools. Please ask these questions because as caring, safe adults we need to be our children’s voices in these spaces. Is there a code of conduct for staff and other parents? What checks are undertaken when employing staff and bringing in volunteers including other parents? What is the ratio of child to adult? Is a child ever left alone with an adult and out of view of others? Does...

Questions to ask your child’s child-care centre and school.

We all want to keep our kids safe especially when they are being cared for by others. Below is a checklist of questions you can ask of your child-care providers and schools. Please ask these questions because as caring, safe adults we need to be our children’s voices in these spaces. Is there a code of conduct for staff and other parents? What checks are undertaken when employing staff and bringing in volunteers including other parents? What is the ratio of child to adult? Is a child ever left alone with an adult and out of view of others? Does...

How adults show children love appropriately and safely

How adults show children love appropriately and safely

What still remains vivid in my mind, 12 years after starting my work in the prevention of childhood sexual abuse, were two things that I heard time and time again from survivors.  He said to me, ‘This is our little secret — others won’t understand. This is how you show me you love me.’ And what was an innocent child (often quite young) to believe from the person, who in the past, had played and loved them appropriately and safely as a caregiver should? And even though they may have felt sick in their stomach and intuitively knew it was...

How adults show children love appropriately and safely

What still remains vivid in my mind, 12 years after starting my work in the prevention of childhood sexual abuse, were two things that I heard time and time again from survivors.  He said to me, ‘This is our little secret — others won’t understand. This is how you show me you love me.’ And what was an innocent child (often quite young) to believe from the person, who in the past, had played and loved them appropriately and safely as a caregiver should? And even though they may have felt sick in their stomach and intuitively knew it was...

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is an important month, globally designated for sexual assault awareness AND for child abuse prevention! If you haven't yet started educating your children/students in Body Safety,NOW is the time to start! If you have previously educated your children in Body Safety,you can use this as an opportunity to check inand see if they have retained the essential information.   You can also make a difference for other children and families within your community. Children living within abusive homes are not likely to receive Body Safety Education unless they can access it through their teachers. Speak with the people in charge...

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is an important month, globally designated for sexual assault awareness AND for child abuse prevention! If you haven't yet started educating your children/students in Body Safety,NOW is the time to start! If you have previously educated your children in Body Safety,you can use this as an opportunity to check inand see if they have retained the essential information.   You can also make a difference for other children and families within your community. Children living within abusive homes are not likely to receive Body Safety Education unless they can access it through their teachers. Speak with the people in charge...

A Body Safety Message for the Holiday Season

A Body Safety Message for the Holiday Season

Holiday season is upon us, and our kids are about to spend A LOT of time around people — family, extended family, friends, friends of friends, acquaintances and total strangers. They will be in amongst groups of people at family gatherings, Christmas parties, carol nights, NYE celebrations, camping grounds, parks, swimming pool or beach (or ski resorts if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere) , shopping centres, cinemas, etc. We cannot stress enough how important it is for your children to be educated in Body Safety, especially at this time of year! Give your kids: the gift of confidence, in knowing...

A Body Safety Message for the Holiday Season

Holiday season is upon us, and our kids are about to spend A LOT of time around people — family, extended family, friends, friends of friends, acquaintances and total strangers. They will be in amongst groups of people at family gatherings, Christmas parties, carol nights, NYE celebrations, camping grounds, parks, swimming pool or beach (or ski resorts if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere) , shopping centres, cinemas, etc. We cannot stress enough how important it is for your children to be educated in Body Safety, especially at this time of year! Give your kids: the gift of confidence, in knowing...

Children’s book author Jayneen Sanders interviewed on The Sue Atkins Parenting Show – Body Safety and other ways to Empower Children

Children’s book author Jayneen Sanders interviewed on The Sue Atkins Parenting Show – Body Safety...

We were thrilled when Sue Atkins ( UK-based and internationally recognised TV and Radio Parenting Expert) contacted us to set up an interview with Educate2Empower author and founder, Jayneen Sanders. As well as being a teacher and mother to three girls, Jayneen is an accomplished children’s book author, writing a number of titles for Nelson, Oxford, Funtastic, Macmillan and Penguin, before starting her own small publishing company Educate2Empower – specifically to create books and resources to empower children and help keep them safe. The interview with Sue goes into: How the journey into writing such important books all began Some...

Children’s book author Jayneen Sanders interviewed on The Sue Atkins Parenting Show – Body Safety...

We were thrilled when Sue Atkins ( UK-based and internationally recognised TV and Radio Parenting Expert) contacted us to set up an interview with Educate2Empower author and founder, Jayneen Sanders. As well as being a teacher and mother to three girls, Jayneen is an accomplished children’s book author, writing a number of titles for Nelson, Oxford, Funtastic, Macmillan and Penguin, before starting her own small publishing company Educate2Empower – specifically to create books and resources to empower children and help keep them safe. The interview with Sue goes into: How the journey into writing such important books all began Some...

Dismantling Rape Culture, A Study By Katrina K. Pimentel

Dismantling Rape Culture, A Study By Katrina K. Pimentel

We were recently pleasantly surprised to receive a message through our website, from Katrina K. Pimentel (California USA).  In attaining her Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership, Katrina focussed her dissertation on Dismantling Rape Culture, and was awarded the “Graduate with Distinction Award” at CSU Sacramento. A very brief summary of the study is given in the opening words of the Abstract: “Sexual violence is a pervasive problem on colleges that affects 20% of college women (Burnett et al., 2009). Moreover, the Rape Abuse Incest National Network (RAINN) (2011) reported that 90% of the rapes against college women are committed...

Dismantling Rape Culture, A Study By Katrina K. Pimentel

We were recently pleasantly surprised to receive a message through our website, from Katrina K. Pimentel (California USA).  In attaining her Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership, Katrina focussed her dissertation on Dismantling Rape Culture, and was awarded the “Graduate with Distinction Award” at CSU Sacramento. A very brief summary of the study is given in the opening words of the Abstract: “Sexual violence is a pervasive problem on colleges that affects 20% of college women (Burnett et al., 2009). Moreover, the Rape Abuse Incest National Network (RAINN) (2011) reported that 90% of the rapes against college women are committed...

How to talk about body safety and consent with your child

How to talk about body safety and consent with your child

E2E Author, Jayneen Sanders, interviewed by Shevonne Hunt on Kinderling Kids Radio Conversation Hour. (29th March 2018) The interview is available to listen to on the Kinderling Kids Radio website: All of Jayneen's books, teaching kits and free resources for empowering children are available on the Educate2Empower website and individual books are on Amazon for America and Europe.

How to talk about body safety and consent with your child

E2E Author, Jayneen Sanders, interviewed by Shevonne Hunt on Kinderling Kids Radio Conversation Hour. (29th March 2018) The interview is available to listen to on the Kinderling Kids Radio website: All of Jayneen's books, teaching kits and free resources for empowering children are available on the Educate2Empower website and individual books are on Amazon for America and Europe.

What is a Body Safety Education program?

What is a Body Safety Education program?

Body Safety Education aims to empower children with skills and knowledge that will lessen the likelihood of them becoming victims of childhood sexual abuse. It is known that approximately 20% of girls, and 8% of boys will experience sexual abuse before their 18th birthday (Pereda, et al, 2009). That is equivalent to 6 girls and 1 boy in each class of 30 students! These are horrific statistics, but through early education we can make a difference. Many people are uninformed as to what constitutes a Body Safety Education program and fear that such a program would discuss sex and sexual abuse...

What is a Body Safety Education program?

Body Safety Education aims to empower children with skills and knowledge that will lessen the likelihood of them becoming victims of childhood sexual abuse. It is known that approximately 20% of girls, and 8% of boys will experience sexual abuse before their 18th birthday (Pereda, et al, 2009). That is equivalent to 6 girls and 1 boy in each class of 30 students! These are horrific statistics, but through early education we can make a difference. Many people are uninformed as to what constitutes a Body Safety Education program and fear that such a program would discuss sex and sexual abuse...

Plea to Principals and Directors of Kindergartens — Teach Body Safety

Plea to Principals and Directors of Kindergartens — Teach Body Safety

Dear Principals of Elementary and Primary Schools, and Directors of Kindergartens As a principal or director of a school or kindergarten, you are in a very powerful position to make a massive difference to the lives of the children in your care. Body Safety Education taught at your institution could literally change the course of a child’s life. Firstly here are some *statistics (sources below). Did you know … • 20% of girls and 8% of boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. Think about this statistic in terms of a class of 30 kids at your school....

Plea to Principals and Directors of Kindergartens — Teach Body Safety

Dear Principals of Elementary and Primary Schools, and Directors of Kindergartens As a principal or director of a school or kindergarten, you are in a very powerful position to make a massive difference to the lives of the children in your care. Body Safety Education taught at your institution could literally change the course of a child’s life. Firstly here are some *statistics (sources below). Did you know … • 20% of girls and 8% of boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. Think about this statistic in terms of a class of 30 kids at your school....

Giving Kids a Voice at Christmas Time

Giving Kids a Voice at Christmas Time

Christmas is a crazy time of the year. Relatives and friends will be coming and going, things will become hectic, and your kids will be a huge part of this exciting mix. However, two very important things to consider before things get really busy, you’re distracted and the kids are off … somewhere! 1. Prior to the Christmas/holiday rush, discuss with your child how they might like to greet family and friends in a way that makes your child feel comfortable. Remember, it may have been years since they have seen people, or they may have never met some family...

Giving Kids a Voice at Christmas Time

Christmas is a crazy time of the year. Relatives and friends will be coming and going, things will become hectic, and your kids will be a huge part of this exciting mix. However, two very important things to consider before things get really busy, you’re distracted and the kids are off … somewhere! 1. Prior to the Christmas/holiday rush, discuss with your child how they might like to greet family and friends in a way that makes your child feel comfortable. Remember, it may have been years since they have seen people, or they may have never met some family...

Why You MUST Teach Kids Sexual Abuse Prevention Education

Why You MUST Teach Kids Sexual Abuse Prevention Education

1. 20% of girls and 8% of boys will experience childhood sexual abuse before their 18th birthday (Fergusson & Mullen, 1999; NSW Commission for Children & Young People, 2009). 2. Approximately 95% of sex abusers are known to the child (NAPCAN 2009). They will be amongst your family, friends and the community. Remember sexual predators groom both YOU and YOUR CHILD. 3. The most vulnerable age for children to be exposed to sexual abuse is between 3 and 8 years with the majority of onset happening between these ages (Browne & Lynch, 1994). It is NEVER too early to start...

Why You MUST Teach Kids Sexual Abuse Prevention Education

1. 20% of girls and 8% of boys will experience childhood sexual abuse before their 18th birthday (Fergusson & Mullen, 1999; NSW Commission for Children & Young People, 2009). 2. Approximately 95% of sex abusers are known to the child (NAPCAN 2009). They will be amongst your family, friends and the community. Remember sexual predators groom both YOU and YOUR CHILD. 3. The most vulnerable age for children to be exposed to sexual abuse is between 3 and 8 years with the majority of onset happening between these ages (Browne & Lynch, 1994). It is NEVER too early to start...

8 Reasons NOT to Call Your Child’s Genitals ‘Pet’ Names

8 Reasons NOT to Call Your Child’s Genitals ‘Pet’ Names

mini     cupcake          fireman's hose           buddy            doughnut        muffin         doodle            wee    butterfly          flower             pee-pee        fanny   doo-dad         thingy          peanut          winky         penny-loo      tuppence       doodle        dick        rah      girl bits           mickey       twah-lah          pee-pee winky-dink       hooha            pooter            front bottom           willy            sausage         cookie   As an advocate for Body Safety Education both in homes and schools, I implore you to use the correct anatomical terms...

8 Reasons NOT to Call Your Child’s Genitals ‘Pet’ Names

mini     cupcake          fireman's hose           buddy            doughnut        muffin         doodle            wee    butterfly          flower             pee-pee        fanny   doo-dad         thingy          peanut          winky         penny-loo      tuppence       doodle        dick        rah      girl bits           mickey       twah-lah          pee-pee winky-dink       hooha            pooter            front bottom           willy            sausage         cookie   As an advocate for Body Safety Education both in homes and schools, I implore you to use the correct anatomical terms...