CONSENT - words and how you say them matter!


  • No!

  • I don't want to.
  • Absolutely not.
  • No wav!
  • Nup!
  • I don't like that!
  • I'm not sure
  • Maybe...
  • Let me think about it
  • You cannot.
  • Not really.
  • I don't think so.
  • Maybe later...
  • (says nothing)


  • Yes!
  • Absolutely.
  • I want to do this!
  • For Sure!
  • I will allow you to...
  • It's okay (but in strong voice)
  • I'm sure

How you can ask for CONSENT

  • Can I please...?
  • May I please...?
  • Would you like to...?
  • Do you want to...?
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