Eye-Opening Statistics emphasizing the importance of Body Safety Education and the empowerment of children.
Australian Institute of Criminology:
"A survey of Australian tertiary students found that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 11 boys had been the victim of child sexual abuse ..."
"These estimates have ranged from figures of 1 in 4 girls to somewhere between 1 in 7 and 1 in 12 boys as being victims of sexual abuse ..."
"In total, the ABS (2005: 42) estimated that in 2005, 1,294,000 people living in Australia (337,400 males and 956,600 females) had experienced sexual abuse before the age of 15."
"... of all those who reported having been victimised sexually before the age of 15 years, 11.1 percent were victimised by a stranger. More commonly, child sexual abuse was perpetrated by a male relative (other than the victim’s father or stepfather; 30.2%), a family friend (16.3%), an acquaintance or neighbour (15.6%), another known person (15.3%), or the father or stepfather (13.5%;..."
The Childrens Hospital at Westmead:
"... young people in this study who experienced child sexual abuse had a suicide rate which is ten to thirteen times the national Australian rate for this age group. The study also found that almost one third of the abused young people had reported attempted suicide over the period of the study."
CASA Fact Sheet: Statistics about sexual assault
1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men will be sexually abused before the age of 16
Girls between the ages of 10 and 14 were the greatest proportion of victim/survivors
UNICEF Data (2017)
Darkness To Light — Child Sexual Abuse Statistics 2017
(Finkelhor, D. (2012). Characteristics of crimes against juveniles. Durham, NH: Crimes against Children Research Center.
Whealin, J. (2007-05-22). “Child Sexual Abuse”. National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, US Department of Veterans Affairs.)
Australian Institute of Health and Wellbeing — Child Protection Data
Australian Institute of Health and Wellbeing — Domestic Violence Data
Australian Institute of Family Studies — Who Abuses Children? (2014)
Australian Bureau of Statistics — Personal Safety Survey 2012
ABS — Personal Safety Survey 2016
Approximately 2.5 million Australian adults (13%) have experienced abuse during their childhood. This includes 1.6 million adults (8.5%) who experienced childhood physical abuse and 1.4 million adults (7.7%) who experienced childhood sexual abuse.
The majority of persons who experienced childhood abuse knew the perpetrator and experienced multiple incidents of abuse.
The age at which abuse commenced varied depending on the type of abuse experienced. The average age at which the first incident of abuse occurred was:
- 8.8 years for persons who experienced sexual abuse only;
- 8.1 years for persons who experienced physical abuse only; and
- 6.8 years for persons who experienced both physical and sexual abuse.
Most adults who were abused as children experienced their first incident before the age of 10.
86% of persons (784,400) who experienced childhood sexual abuse knew the perpetrator(s) of the first incident abuse.
For the first incident of childhood sexual abuse, non-familial known persons were the most common perpetrators. An estimated 51% (467,500) of persons who experienced childhood sexual abuse were first abused by a non-familial known person.
Mathews B, Pacella RE, Scott JG, et al 2023, 'The prevalence of child maltreatment in Australia: findings from a national survey', The Medical Journal of Australia, 218