Christmas Body Safety Hints

Christmas Body Safety Hints

As XMAS is not far away and children will be on school holidays, please keep the following in mind.

1. ENSURE your child is educated in Body Safety. That is:
• They know their body is their body and no-one has the right to touch it .
• They have 3 to 5 trusted adults on their Safety Network.
• They know never to keep secrets that make them feel bad or uncomfortable.
• They know to tell a person on their Safety Network if someone does touch their private parts, asks them to touch their private parts and/or shows them pictures of private parts, and to keep on telling until they are believed.

2. BE WATCHFUL of who your child spends time with. If your child is not willing to go with certain people or does not wish to hug or kiss them — listen and respect their wishes.

3. EVEN though it will be busy amongst the happy celebrations, be aware of any out-of-characteristic changes in your child’s behavior.

4. BE PROUD that your child is educated in Body Safety and display the My Body Safety Rules poster on the fridge to let everyone (including potential predators) know of this fact!

5. Play the 'My Body Safety Rules' animation with your child and discuss.

6. READ 'No Means No!' and 'My Body! What I Say Goes!' and 'Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept' at the beginning of the holiday period and discuss the books/questions with your child.

7. READ any of my Blogs at They are all useful and informative as is my parent guide ‘Body Safety Education'.

8. ENJOY the holiday season with you child and family but… keep your parent radar on alert!

Have a very MERRY XMAS! And PLEASE share the importance  of Body Safety Education to your friends and family.
Much love Jayneen Sanders xx

Jayneen Sanders (aka Jay Dale) is a teacher, author, mother of three and an active advocate for sexual abuse prevention education and respectful relationships to be taught both in the home and in schools.

For more information on this topic and to learn about Jay’s children's books go to

All books are also available on Amazon at

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