World Vision India - aiming to end child abuse and exploitation with the help of our book!

World Vision India - aiming to end child abuse and exploitation with the help of our book!

We have gifted My Body! What I Say Goes! and accompanying activity book to World Vision India, who are working with their National Government on a campaign to end child abuse and exploitation by 2021. They are currently translating this book into 10 Indian languages and will do a print run of 1,500,000 (1 .5 million copies)! This book will be given to schools and families free of charge in conjunction with appropriate lessons.

UPDATE August 2018: Over the last two months, the My Body! What I Say Goes! workbook has been launched by World Vision India in translated versions for Hindi, Tamil, Telegu, Kannada, Bengali & Oriya with more planned for later this year!

September 2019 Update: Books have now been translated into Assamese language - so there are now seven translations available in India. Government schools have agreed to roll out the program and teacher training has commenced.

December 2019 Update: “Sensitization is the key to Prevention” Says a teacher from Faridabad appreciating World Vision for the initiative to educate and sensitize the children on body safety through the simple and creative “My Body What I Say Goes” book. Making an impact in the lives of 154,000 children across the country in the first phase has created a huge demand for the book from different locations during this reporting period October and September 2019.

In this second phase, 63 projects have distributed 207,000 books to the children in 10 languages: Assamese, Bengali, English, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu.

Before distributing the books to the children, the teachers of the schools are trained on the module to handle sessions to the children. 3049 teachers across 900 schools are now able to teach this program. The book has impacted the communities and the children resulting in reporting and handling of CSA issues in the community. Pre and post tests were conducted to the children and the children were able to recite the safety measures and reporting.

Go to our main Giving Back page to read about the other projects we are contributing to in order to support and empower young people all around the world!

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