A DUMMIES’ Guide for Teenage Boys in How to Respect Girls

A DUMMIES’ Guide for Teenage Boys in How to Respect Girls

1. Treat girls as human because that is what they are. They breathe and they have feelings. Your words and actions can cause lasting damage. Think before you speak and act. 2. No slut-shaming*. Girls have the right to wear whatever they like without fear of being sexually assaulted. What they are wearing or the fact that they enjoy sex is not an invitation for you to make unwanted sexual advances or speak about or to a girl in slut-shaming terms. 3. When a girl says ‘NO’ to anything she means ‘NO!’ She does not mean ‘maybe’ or ‘I’m not...

A DUMMIES’ Guide for Teenage Boys in How to Respect Girls

1. Treat girls as human because that is what they are. They breathe and they have feelings. Your words and actions can cause lasting damage. Think before you speak and act. 2. No slut-shaming*. Girls have the right to wear whatever they like without fear of being sexually assaulted. What they are wearing or the fact that they enjoy sex is not an invitation for you to make unwanted sexual advances or speak about or to a girl in slut-shaming terms. 3. When a girl says ‘NO’ to anything she means ‘NO!’ She does not mean ‘maybe’ or ‘I’m not...

I’m Deeply Concerned About Our Kids and Here Is Why

I’m Deeply Concerned About Our Kids and Here Is Why

In my opinion ... 1. Children are being exposed to sexually explicit content that they are not mature enough to see. This content has deeply traumatic effects on the child. 2. Children are more exposed to horrifying and disturbing images of conflict and trauma worldwide than ever before. They don’t have the maturity and insight to deal with what they are seeing and hearing about, which can lead to anxiety and depression. 3. Women and girls are sexually objectified constantly and relentlessly through the media and our children (particularly young girls) are seeing their worth as a sexualised object for...

I’m Deeply Concerned About Our Kids and Here Is Why

In my opinion ... 1. Children are being exposed to sexually explicit content that they are not mature enough to see. This content has deeply traumatic effects on the child. 2. Children are more exposed to horrifying and disturbing images of conflict and trauma worldwide than ever before. They don’t have the maturity and insight to deal with what they are seeing and hearing about, which can lead to anxiety and depression. 3. Women and girls are sexually objectified constantly and relentlessly through the media and our children (particularly young girls) are seeing their worth as a sexualised object for...

Why I Wrote the Children’s Book ‘No Means No!’

Why I Wrote the Children’s Book ‘No Means No!’

About two years ago when I was a substitute teacher in a grade 1 class, I encountered a little girl of around 7 years old. For this blog, let’s call her Karli. Karli was a very shy child (unlike my own three outspoken daughters and myself as a child:)) but I respected this aspect of what I believed to be her innate nature. Karli was also one of those little girls that the boys seem to gravitate towards. Always buzzing around her and wanting to hug, kiss and hold her hand. Karli would respond with coy smiles and allow them...

Why I Wrote the Children’s Book ‘No Means No!’

About two years ago when I was a substitute teacher in a grade 1 class, I encountered a little girl of around 7 years old. For this blog, let’s call her Karli. Karli was a very shy child (unlike my own three outspoken daughters and myself as a child:)) but I respected this aspect of what I believed to be her innate nature. Karli was also one of those little girls that the boys seem to gravitate towards. Always buzzing around her and wanting to hug, kiss and hold her hand. Karli would respond with coy smiles and allow them...

How Fathers Can Affect Their Daughters’ Take on the World

How Fathers Can Affect Their Daughters’ Take on the World

My husband and I have three amazing daughters, all young women now who are seeking out life’s adventures and their place in the world. In my recent children’s book on gender equality ‘Pearl Fairweather Pirate Captain’ I wrote the following dedication to my husband: “To my wonderful husband, Mark, because from the moment we met, equality was always a given.” And there it is! Equality! The key word to how we have always and will continue to parent. And from that basis, I will endeavour to list all the things I believe my husband as a feminist father has given...

How Fathers Can Affect Their Daughters’ Take on the World

My husband and I have three amazing daughters, all young women now who are seeking out life’s adventures and their place in the world. In my recent children’s book on gender equality ‘Pearl Fairweather Pirate Captain’ I wrote the following dedication to my husband: “To my wonderful husband, Mark, because from the moment we met, equality was always a given.” And there it is! Equality! The key word to how we have always and will continue to parent. And from that basis, I will endeavour to list all the things I believe my husband as a feminist father has given...

Dear Mothers and Fathers of Boys

Dear Mothers and Fathers of Boys

As a mother of girls in 2016 I have the following requests — especially as my daughters are now young women. Please teach your sons the following as they grow into manhood. 1. Teach your sons, from a very young age, that girls are not here on this earth for them. For example, they cannot simply take hold of a girl’s hand during kindergarten story-time or chase her around trying to ‘steal kisses’. If your son wishes to hold a little girl’s hand, he will need to ask. For example, ‘Please, may I hold you hand?’ If she says, ‘Yes’,...

Dear Mothers and Fathers of Boys

As a mother of girls in 2016 I have the following requests — especially as my daughters are now young women. Please teach your sons the following as they grow into manhood. 1. Teach your sons, from a very young age, that girls are not here on this earth for them. For example, they cannot simply take hold of a girl’s hand during kindergarten story-time or chase her around trying to ‘steal kisses’. If your son wishes to hold a little girl’s hand, he will need to ask. For example, ‘Please, may I hold you hand?’ If she says, ‘Yes’,...

8 Reasons NOT to Call Your Child’s Genitals ‘Pet’ Names

8 Reasons NOT to Call Your Child’s Genitals ‘Pet’ Names

mini     cupcake          fireman's hose           buddy            doughnut        muffin         doodle            wee    butterfly          flower             pee-pee        fanny   doo-dad         thingy          peanut          winky         penny-loo      tuppence       doodle        dick        rah      girl bits           mickey       twah-lah          pee-pee winky-dink       hooha            pooter            front bottom           willy            sausage         cookie   As an advocate for Body Safety Education both in homes and schools, I implore you to use the correct anatomical terms...

8 Reasons NOT to Call Your Child’s Genitals ‘Pet’ Names

mini     cupcake          fireman's hose           buddy            doughnut        muffin         doodle            wee    butterfly          flower             pee-pee        fanny   doo-dad         thingy          peanut          winky         penny-loo      tuppence       doodle        dick        rah      girl bits           mickey       twah-lah          pee-pee winky-dink       hooha            pooter            front bottom           willy            sausage         cookie   As an advocate for Body Safety Education both in homes and schools, I implore you to use the correct anatomical terms...

So Many Kids and So Many Parents Uneducated in Body Safety

So Many Kids and So Many Parents Uneducated in Body Safety

We had a beautiful day here in Melbourne on Sunday. The sun was out, the sky was blue and the grass was green — littered with families picnicking in the magnificent Botanical Gardens. My husband and I wandered the shady paths, taking in all the joy. We even visited the children’s garden — I just love how it has been designed; everything being the perfect size for children! As I looked over the happy families enjoying the very best of Melbourne spring weather, I could not help but think of the statistics we know to be true. One in 5...

So Many Kids and So Many Parents Uneducated in Body Safety

We had a beautiful day here in Melbourne on Sunday. The sun was out, the sky was blue and the grass was green — littered with families picnicking in the magnificent Botanical Gardens. My husband and I wandered the shady paths, taking in all the joy. We even visited the children’s garden — I just love how it has been designed; everything being the perfect size for children! As I looked over the happy families enjoying the very best of Melbourne spring weather, I could not help but think of the statistics we know to be true. One in 5...

Could YOU tell a stranger about your last sexual encounter?

Could YOU tell a stranger about your last sexual encounter?

Well… this is EXACTLY what we expect children who have been sexually abused to do! Once (and if) they find the enormous amount of courage to tell a trusted adult (such as a parent or teacher), they will then be expected to relate the sexual abuse to the police. Could you do that? Could you tell a stranger about your last sexual encounter? And would a child even have the vocabulary to do this? Many in the community uneducated in Body Safety Education (www.e2epublishing.info) often ask me, ‘Why don’t children just tell if they are being sexually abused?’ In fact,...

Could YOU tell a stranger about your last sexual encounter?

Well… this is EXACTLY what we expect children who have been sexually abused to do! Once (and if) they find the enormous amount of courage to tell a trusted adult (such as a parent or teacher), they will then be expected to relate the sexual abuse to the police. Could you do that? Could you tell a stranger about your last sexual encounter? And would a child even have the vocabulary to do this? Many in the community uneducated in Body Safety Education (www.e2epublishing.info) often ask me, ‘Why don’t children just tell if they are being sexually abused?’ In fact,...

Who Is Responsible for Keeping Kids Safe from Sexual Abuse?

Who Is Responsible for Keeping Kids Safe from Sexual Abuse?

Some advocates believe it is solely an adult’s responsibility to protect children from sexual abuse. While I totally agree that adults must: Educate the child in their care in Body Safety Education Become educated themselves in: grooming techniques used by perpetrators statistics on child sexual abuse the signs that a child is being sexually abused what to do if a child discloses Believe a child when they disclose Educate the wider community in the importance of protecting children from sexual abuse Let friends, family and those who come in contact with their child know that their child is educated in...

Who Is Responsible for Keeping Kids Safe from Sexual Abuse?

Some advocates believe it is solely an adult’s responsibility to protect children from sexual abuse. While I totally agree that adults must: Educate the child in their care in Body Safety Education Become educated themselves in: grooming techniques used by perpetrators statistics on child sexual abuse the signs that a child is being sexually abused what to do if a child discloses Believe a child when they disclose Educate the wider community in the importance of protecting children from sexual abuse Let friends, family and those who come in contact with their child know that their child is educated in...

Christmas Body Safety Hints

Christmas Body Safety Hints

As XMAS is not far away and children will be on school holidays, please keep the following in mind. 1. ENSURE your child is educated in Body Safety. That is:• They know their body is their body and no-one has the right to touch it .• They have 3 to 5 trusted adults on their Safety Network.• They know never to keep secrets that make them feel bad or uncomfortable.• They know to tell a person on their Safety Network if someone does touch their private parts, asks them to touch their private parts and/or shows them pictures of private...

Christmas Body Safety Hints

As XMAS is not far away and children will be on school holidays, please keep the following in mind. 1. ENSURE your child is educated in Body Safety. That is:• They know their body is their body and no-one has the right to touch it .• They have 3 to 5 trusted adults on their Safety Network.• They know never to keep secrets that make them feel bad or uncomfortable.• They know to tell a person on their Safety Network if someone does touch their private parts, asks them to touch their private parts and/or shows them pictures of private...

I Am ANGRY About Child Sexual Abuse!

I Am ANGRY About Child Sexual Abuse!

  I am angry! And I need you to be angry with me. I need — we need — societal outrage to stop the sexual abuse of children. We need caring adults to say, ‘Enough!’ Our fear of this topic is nothing compared to the fear of the 1 in 3 girls and the 1 in 6 boys who are sexually abused before their 18th birthday (Aust. Institute of Criminology, 1993). If this topic makes you feel uncomfortable… well imagine how a sexually abused child feels. I challenge you to look this crime directly in the eye and help me,...

I Am ANGRY About Child Sexual Abuse!

  I am angry! And I need you to be angry with me. I need — we need — societal outrage to stop the sexual abuse of children. We need caring adults to say, ‘Enough!’ Our fear of this topic is nothing compared to the fear of the 1 in 3 girls and the 1 in 6 boys who are sexually abused before their 18th birthday (Aust. Institute of Criminology, 1993). If this topic makes you feel uncomfortable… well imagine how a sexually abused child feels. I challenge you to look this crime directly in the eye and help me,...

Why are educators so hesitant to teach Body Safety Education to the children in their care?

Why are educators so hesitant to teach Body Safety Education to the children in their care?

Why are educators so hesitant to teach Body Safety Education to the children in their care?   Ninety-nine per cent of educators are wonderful individuals who really care about children. I just think many are terrified of this whole topic.   Therefore, I personally have come to these conclusions: (Note: I am very happy for your opinions.)   The principal is not enforcing what is actually in the curriculum (Body Safety Education is in every curriculum in Australia; please inbox me if you wish to see my summary document). Because he or she thinks the teachers are already too busy...

Why are educators so hesitant to teach Body Safety Education to the children in their care?

Why are educators so hesitant to teach Body Safety Education to the children in their care?   Ninety-nine per cent of educators are wonderful individuals who really care about children. I just think many are terrified of this whole topic.   Therefore, I personally have come to these conclusions: (Note: I am very happy for your opinions.)   The principal is not enforcing what is actually in the curriculum (Body Safety Education is in every curriculum in Australia; please inbox me if you wish to see my summary document). Because he or she thinks the teachers are already too busy...