Stay informed of current affairs related to Body Safety, Consent, Gender Equality, Social and Emotional Intelligence, Diversity and Inclusion.

Supreme Court Advocates for Comprehensive Health and Sex Education in India

Supreme Court Advocates for Comprehensive Health and Sex Education in India

In a recent ruling, the Supreme Court of India, led by Chief Justice DY Chandrachud and Justice JB Pardiwala, emphasized the urgent need for comprehensive health and sex education for children and adolescents. The Court recommended that the Central government consider establishing an Expert Committee to devise a robust program aimed at addressing the significant gaps in knowledge and awareness surrounding health and sexual matters.  The Court acknowledged that there are widespread misconceptions about sex education in India and a reluctance to talk openly about sexual health. Recognising that effective education in these areas is crucial for the well-being and safety...

Supreme Court Advocates for Comprehensive Health and Sex Education in India

In a recent ruling, the Supreme Court of India, led by Chief Justice DY Chandrachud and Justice JB Pardiwala, emphasized the urgent need for comprehensive health and sex education for children and adolescents. The Court recommended that the Central government consider establishing an Expert Committee to devise a robust program aimed at addressing the significant gaps in knowledge and awareness surrounding health and sexual matters.  The Court acknowledged that there are widespread misconceptions about sex education in India and a reluctance to talk openly about sexual health. Recognising that effective education in these areas is crucial for the well-being and safety...

Nearly 10% of Men in NSW charged or arrested for domestic violence.

Nearly 10% of Men in NSW charged or arrested for domestic violence.

A new study by the Australian Institute of Criminology reveals that nearly 10% of men in New South Wales have had police take legal action against them for domestic and family violence by the age of 37. The study found nearly 10% of men had been involved in family and domestic violence offences. Notably, 1.2% of the population was responsible for over half of these offences. The majority of incidents involved intimate partner violence, but other relatives and household members were also perpetrators. This study highlights the pervasiveness of domestic violence, and these numbers are likely just the tip of...

Nearly 10% of Men in NSW charged or arrested for domestic violence.

A new study by the Australian Institute of Criminology reveals that nearly 10% of men in New South Wales have had police take legal action against them for domestic and family violence by the age of 37. The study found nearly 10% of men had been involved in family and domestic violence offences. Notably, 1.2% of the population was responsible for over half of these offences. The majority of incidents involved intimate partner violence, but other relatives and household members were also perpetrators. This study highlights the pervasiveness of domestic violence, and these numbers are likely just the tip of...

How Social Media Algorithms Fuel Misogyny in Young Men’s Feeds

How Social Media Algorithms Fuel Misogyny in Young Men’s Feeds

A recent experiment conducted by The Guardian reveals troubling insights into how social media algorithms, particularly on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, push sexist and misogynistic content onto young men’s feeds without any user engagement. By creating blank accounts, the study showed how quickly harmful content emerged, including offensive memes and images, based solely on the assumptions these platforms made about users' interests. This mirrors other research showing that platforms like YouTube and TikTok also guide young men toward problematic content, reinforcing harmful gender stereotypes and ideologies. Experts argue that these algorithms are "baked into the model," making it critical...

How Social Media Algorithms Fuel Misogyny in Young Men’s Feeds

A recent experiment conducted by The Guardian reveals troubling insights into how social media algorithms, particularly on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, push sexist and misogynistic content onto young men’s feeds without any user engagement. By creating blank accounts, the study showed how quickly harmful content emerged, including offensive memes and images, based solely on the assumptions these platforms made about users' interests. This mirrors other research showing that platforms like YouTube and TikTok also guide young men toward problematic content, reinforcing harmful gender stereotypes and ideologies. Experts argue that these algorithms are "baked into the model," making it critical...

Empowering Teens: How This School is Teaching Respect to Counter Harmful Gender Narratives"

Empowering Teens: How This School is Teaching Respect to Counter Harmful Gender Narratives"

A Myrtleford school is leading the way in teaching respect and consent through workshops aimed at countering the harmful effects of the manosphere. This proactive approach highlights the need for education that fosters healthy relationships and gender equality. Teaching young boys about gender equality, respect and empathy is crucial in shaping the men they will become. This foundation creates men who challenge harmful stereotypes, embrace equality and develop respectful relationships. Read Full Article

Empowering Teens: How This School is Teaching Respect to Counter Harmful Gender Narratives"

A Myrtleford school is leading the way in teaching respect and consent through workshops aimed at countering the harmful effects of the manosphere. This proactive approach highlights the need for education that fosters healthy relationships and gender equality. Teaching young boys about gender equality, respect and empathy is crucial in shaping the men they will become. This foundation creates men who challenge harmful stereotypes, embrace equality and develop respectful relationships. Read Full Article

Consent education in schools is now mandated.

Consent education in schools is now mandated.

The NSW state government has officially released a new syllabus, reflecting the mandate for consent education in schools. Should teaching consent be solely the responsibility of educators, or is there a broader role for parents and the community in addressing this critical issue? While consent education in schools is an important part of raising empowered children, it must involve the whole family. Equipping children with the language and skills of consent and bodily autonomy at home from a very young age gives them the foundations to understand their rights, set boundaries, and respect others. Listen To Podcast

Consent education in schools is now mandated.

The NSW state government has officially released a new syllabus, reflecting the mandate for consent education in schools. Should teaching consent be solely the responsibility of educators, or is there a broader role for parents and the community in addressing this critical issue? While consent education in schools is an important part of raising empowered children, it must involve the whole family. Equipping children with the language and skills of consent and bodily autonomy at home from a very young age gives them the foundations to understand their rights, set boundaries, and respect others. Listen To Podcast