One Talk at a Time - Jayneen Sanders
We and our lead author Jayneen Sanders @jayneensandersauthor are immensely proud to be a part of ‘One Talk at a Time’ and to be launching a suite of resources in partnership with @ChildSafety.gov.au to support this campaign. This topic is one that we are dedicated to and passionate about. For the past 20 years, Jayneen has been using storybooks to educate children and young people on body safety, consent and respectful relationships. While the Australian community has come a long way when it comes to understanding of child sexual abuse, we know there are still many people that feel too uncomfortable...
One Talk at a Time - Jayneen Sanders
We and our lead author Jayneen Sanders @jayneensandersauthor are immensely proud to be a part of ‘One Talk at a Time’ and to be launching a suite of resources in partnership with @ChildSafety.gov.au to support this campaign. This topic is one that we are dedicated to and passionate about. For the...

Kids Don't Care ... So Why Should You?
See the article "8 Reasons NOT to Call Your Child's Genitals 'Pet' Names"
Kids Don't Care ... So Why Should You?
See the article "8 Reasons NOT to Call Your Child's Genitals 'Pet' Names"

APRIL is Child Abuse Prevention Month
10 SIMPLE THINGS YOU CAN DO TO REDUCE CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE. Teach your child Body Safety from 2.5 years old (www.eepublishing.info) Talk to other families about the importance of teaching their children Body Safety. Ask your child's school/kindergarten if they teach Body Safety. If not, lobby for it. Share Body Safety articles and blogs with friends/family on Facebook. Lobby your local member to mandate the teaching of Body Safety in all schools and kindergartens. Stay alert to any warning signs that a child you know may be being abused (see http://eZepublishing.info/blog/) Believe a child when they disclose abuse-your initial reaction...
APRIL is Child Abuse Prevention Month
10 SIMPLE THINGS YOU CAN DO TO REDUCE CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE. Teach your child Body Safety from 2.5 years old (www.eepublishing.info) Talk to other families about the importance of teaching their children Body Safety. Ask your child's school/kindergarten if they teach Body Safety. If not, lobby for it. Share Body...

Her FEAR is very real.
1 in 5 girls & 1 in 12 boys will be sexually abused before 18. (Pereda et al, 2009) CHILDHOOD SEXUAL ABUSE HAPPENS Teach your child BODY SAFETY! It can make ALL the difference!
Her FEAR is very real.
1 in 5 girls & 1 in 12 boys will be sexually abused before 18. (Pereda et al, 2009) CHILDHOOD SEXUAL ABUSE HAPPENS Teach your child BODY SAFETY! It can make ALL the difference!

Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse
It is an ADULT'S responsibility to: Educate the child in their care in Body Safety Education. Become educated themselves in: grooming techniques used by perpetrators statistics on child sexual abuse the signs that a child is being sexually abused what to do if a child discloses. Believe a child when they disclose. Educate the wider community in the importance of protecting children from sexual abuse. Let friends, family and those who come in contact with their child know that their child is educated in Body Safety and to respect their boundaries.
Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse
It is an ADULT'S responsibility to: Educate the child in their care in Body Safety Education. Become educated themselves in: grooming techniques used by perpetrators statistics on child sexual abuse the signs that a child is being sexually abused what to do if a child discloses. Believe a child when...

If you see something, then you MUST say something!
Grooming a child in order to sexually abuse them is a criminal offence. Failing to report grooming and/or knowledge a child is being sexually abused is a criminal offence.
If you see something, then you MUST say something!
Grooming a child in order to sexually abuse them is a criminal offence. Failing to report grooming and/or knowledge a child is being sexually abused is a criminal offence.

The impossible is possible if adults spread the word.
The impossible is possible if adults spread the word. Let's educate our kids in Body Safety Education for a safer childhood.
The impossible is possible if adults spread the word.
The impossible is possible if adults spread the word. Let's educate our kids in Body Safety Education for a safer childhood.

Prevention is key
Prevention is key to stopping child sexual abuse before it begins.
Prevention is key
Prevention is key to stopping child sexual abuse before it begins.

Careful who you invite into your home...
Careful who you invite into your home... "Children who live with a single parent that has a live-in partner are 20 times more likely to be victims of sexual abuse than children living with both biological parents." Sedlack et al 2010 You can NEVER be too careful! EDUCATE YOUR CHILD IN BODY SAFETY.
Careful who you invite into your home...
Careful who you invite into your home... "Children who live with a single parent that has a live-in partner are 20 times more likely to be victims of sexual abuse than children living with both biological parents." Sedlack et al 2010 You can NEVER be too careful! EDUCATE YOUR CHILD...

We need to be our kids safe person.
We need to be our kids safe person so they can tell us anything! If there is FEAR, they will not come to us when they are 'fearful. TEACH BODY SAFETY TO YOUR CHILD WHERE NOTHING IS OFF THE TABLE!
We need to be our kids safe person.
We need to be our kids safe person so they can tell us anything! If there is FEAR, they will not come to us when they are 'fearful. TEACH BODY SAFETY TO YOUR CHILD WHERE NOTHING IS OFF THE TABLE!

Be wary of a person who...
Be wary of a person who: Is always availabe to take care of your child. Makes your child feel more special than others. Gives your child an excessive number of gifts and treats. Manipulates to spend alone time with your child. CHILD SEXUAL ABUSERS CAN BE ANYONE. THEY GROOM BOTH YOU AND YOUR CHILD.
Be wary of a person who...
Be wary of a person who: Is always availabe to take care of your child. Makes your child feel more special than others. Gives your child an excessive number of gifts and treats. Manipulates to spend alone time with your child. CHILD SEXUAL ABUSERS CAN BE ANYONE. THEY GROOM BOTH...

TALK openly with your child - ensure they know they can talk to you about anything! TELL your child never to keep secrets that make them feel bad and uncomfortable, even if threatened. BE WARY of people who are always 'there' to help out and who take a special interest in your child. WATCH for out-of-character behavioural changes in your child and investigate. LISTEN to your child, even when you are busy and everything else seems more important - abused children often drop hints in conversation to gauge your reaction. ALWAYS believe your child when they tell you about any...
TALK openly with your child - ensure they know they can talk to you about anything! TELL your child never to keep secrets that make them feel bad and uncomfortable, even if threatened. BE WARY of people who are always 'there' to help out and who take a special interest...