April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is an important month, globally designated for sexual assault awareness AND for child abuse prevention!

If you haven't yet started educating your children/students in Body Safety,
NOW is the time to start! 

If you have previously educated your children in Body Safety,
you can use this as an opportunity to check in
and see if they have retained the essential information.


You can also make a difference for other children and families within your community. Children living within abusive homes are not likely to receive Body Safety Education unless they can access it through their teachers. Speak with the people in charge at your school, kindergarten, childcare centre, or even sporting groups, and ask them what policies they have in place for protecting children. Let them know about our resources which make teaching Body Safety easy, fun, and most importantly age-appropriate for young children.

A Global Issue

In an effort to empower as many children as we can, we are translating our My Body Safety Rules poster into different languages and making all of them available for free download from our website.

At this time we have English UK, English US, and 16 other languages available! If you have family, friends or students who could use these, please spread the word.

Our My Body Safety Rules poster is currently available in English UK/US, Afrikaans, Arabic, Bulgarian, Danish, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Malaysian, Mongolian, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish, Vietnamese, and Xhosa.

If you are able to provide a translation for another language, we would love to hear from you! Please visit our page for guidelines and template.

Book Translations and International Distribution

At Education2Empower Publishing, our books are initially written and published in English, and made available for purchase via our website shop and also on Amazon sites. Our content is globally relevant, and so we are endeavouring to have our book content translated and available in countries around the world.

We currently have a number of titles translated and available on Amazon:

  • "Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept" is available in Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, German, and French translations.

  • Spanish editions of "No Means No!", "You, Me and Empathy", and "No Difference Between Us" are also available.

Some books have also been translated to local languages and/or are available in:

If you would like the opportunity to translate and distribute our books in your area, please contact us.

A few things that YOU can do to help prevent child abuse.

Parents: If you’re reading this, you quite likely already have some (if not all) of our books and resources. This is fantastic! Your children are already being empowered with prevention education. But there is more you can do:

  • Make sure to read and discuss your books/resources with your children more than once. Especially the My Body Safety Rules skillset (available as free downloadable posteranimation or explained in-depth within the My Body! What I Say Goes! children's book). Numerous readings and discussions will help to reinforce the skillset, so that children quickly remember what they can do in a situation where they feel unsafe.

  • Display the My Body Safety Rules poster in common areas (ie. on the fridge) - this can serve as both a reminder for your children, and also a deterrent for any unsuspected predator that may come into your home.

  • Ask your school if they are teaching Body Safety Education. If they aren't, print off a copy of our Catalogue and give it to them. There is no reason why they can't provide this education, and every reason why they should! Children who have abusers in their homes should not be left to fall through the cracks. It will also help the school decision makers to know that they have many parents in their community who are in support of prevention education being taught at school.


If you are a decision maker at your workplace, please ensure that your teachers are including Body Safety Education in their schedule. With simple professional development, teachers can teach Body Safety; two, 30-minute lessons over five weeks is all it takes to impart this crucial knowledge to children. Or you may be able to secure the services of a specialist educator in the Body Safety/ Protective Behaviours area, who can travel out to your school and run the classes for you.
If you are not a decision maker at your school or workplace, and you know that Body Safety Education is not yet part of the curriculum - PLEASE make an official request for it to be introduced. If you don't do it - who will? 

Our latest resources, specifically for teachers, are Lesson Plans that are integrated with the content of our books. With fun and engaging class-based activities to help reinforce the messages from the books.

Our Teacher's Resource Kit is a comprehensive collection that includes not just our books, but also a range of teaching materials, professional development PowerPoint presentation for teachers and information that you can use to inform parents about the education. This Kit covers all bases and makes it easy for schools to implement Body Safety and Respectful Relationships Education.

Lesson Plans for Teachers, Childcare Workers and Educators

Lesson Plans for Body Safety & Consent.
Written by Jayneen Sanders and Yale Merceica, these 18 fully developed lesson plans incorporate questions and activities based on the messages in our books, to help you convey important and empowering life skills to your students.

The content is age-appropriate and suitable for Preschool and Primary/Elementary School classes.

Available as an optional extra with purchase of our Body Safety & Consent Bundle, or just the Lesson Plans if you already have the books!


Does your local school or childcare centre have our Body Safety and Consent books in their library?

We'd like you to ask this question of your local school, kindergarten or childcare centre TODAY! If their answer is no, then they need to seriously consider these resources. Our books, teaching kits and lesson plans now make it easier than ever to educate children in Body Safety, and help prevent child sexual abuse.

If you already have these books, please write to us and let us know how you and your children (or students) have reacted to the stories and messages within. Which elements were most helpful to you?


You can find all of our books and teaching kits for sale in the online shop on our website www.e2epublishing.info (shipping to AUS/NZ) or if you are located in the Northern hemisphere, you can find all of our books individually on Amazon US or Amazon UK.

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