7 Body Safety Rules: Written Specifically For Kids With Disability

7 Body Safety Rules: Written Specifically For Kids With Disability

Rule 1: Asking for Consent Ensure all people who interact with your child ask for their consent before entering their body boundary. Ensure you child knows that a body boundary is the invisible space around their body (and wheelchair). It is their personal space — a space just for them. Discuss what consent means with your child: it means asking them if something is okay or not okay. It means asking for permission. If your child is non-verbal work out ways they can indicate ‘yes’ or ‘no’ when people ask for their consent.   Rule 2: Checking In And even...

7 Body Safety Rules: Written Specifically For Kids With Disability

Rule 1: Asking for Consent Ensure all people who interact with your child ask for their consent before entering their body boundary. Ensure you child knows that a body boundary is the invisible space around their body (and wheelchair). It is their personal space — a space just for them. Discuss what consent means with your child: it means asking them if something is okay or not okay. It means asking for permission. If your child is non-verbal work out ways they can indicate ‘yes’ or ‘no’ when people ask for their consent.   Rule 2: Checking In And even...

When to Begin Consent and Body Safety Conversations

When to Begin Consent and Body Safety Conversations

We regularly get asked by parents and carers. “When should I start teaching my child about consent and body safety?” It’s an excellent question. Below is an approximate guide on when to begin conversations with your child around consent and Body Safety. All children are different, and you know your child best, so also be guided by their ability to focus and the questions they ask. These conversations are ongoing and can happen over years. Use their questions, family discussions, children’s books, and situations that may occur to have open and ongoing conversations. Everyday situations that may arise, can be...

When to Begin Consent and Body Safety Conversations

We regularly get asked by parents and carers. “When should I start teaching my child about consent and body safety?” It’s an excellent question. Below is an approximate guide on when to begin conversations with your child around consent and Body Safety. All children are different, and you know your child best, so also be guided by their ability to focus and the questions they ask. These conversations are ongoing and can happen over years. Use their questions, family discussions, children’s books, and situations that may occur to have open and ongoing conversations. Everyday situations that may arise, can be...



When it comes to teaching children consent, we know some parents, carers and educators are unsure where to start. Here are some ideas for role-playing different scenarios to help educate and empower children. It helps them to rehearse what to do and say in an uncomfortable situation. Practicing scenarios increases their chance of knowing exactly what to do or say if a situation does occur and lessens the likelihood of them ‘freezing’. Plus, the connection is fun! Give it a try, but before you start, make sure you decide on who is playing which part and that the child has...


When it comes to teaching children consent, we know some parents, carers and educators are unsure where to start. Here are some ideas for role-playing different scenarios to help educate and empower children. It helps them to rehearse what to do and say in an uncomfortable situation. Practicing scenarios increases their chance of knowing exactly what to do or say if a situation does occur and lessens the likelihood of them ‘freezing’. Plus, the connection is fun! Give it a try, but before you start, make sure you decide on who is playing which part and that the child has...

What CONSENT looks like with a non-verbal child

What CONSENT looks like with a non-verbal child

Teaching consent with a non-verbal child is about respecting their body boundary and explaining to them what you are doing as you interact with them. Here are some examples: “I’m just going to pop you in the car seat so you will be safe. This won’t take long. I will need you to move your arms up so I can fit the straps over them. We did it! Thank you so much!” “See this big bottle. This is shampoo. I’m just going to wash your hair with the shampoo so your hair smells fresh and clean.” “Oh look! These are...

What CONSENT looks like with a non-verbal child

Teaching consent with a non-verbal child is about respecting their body boundary and explaining to them what you are doing as you interact with them. Here are some examples: “I’m just going to pop you in the car seat so you will be safe. This won’t take long. I will need you to move your arms up so I can fit the straps over them. We did it! Thank you so much!” “See this big bottle. This is shampoo. I’m just going to wash your hair with the shampoo so your hair smells fresh and clean.” “Oh look! These are...

I'm NOT Sorry!

I'm NOT Sorry!

  “Bess,” said Nana. “Say sorry.” “But I’m NOT sorry,” replied Bess. “Ty pushed me off the swing, so I pushed him back.”   We’ve heard it all before — girls, from a young age, told to say sorry. To be polite. To have their manners. To be a good girl. To cause no waves. To keep the peace.   But what if they’re NOT sorry? What if they were simply standing up for their rights? What if they didn’t like what the person had said or done to them? What if they wanted to use THEIR voice?   Times...

I'm NOT Sorry!

  “Bess,” said Nana. “Say sorry.” “But I’m NOT sorry,” replied Bess. “Ty pushed me off the swing, so I pushed him back.”   We’ve heard it all before — girls, from a young age, told to say sorry. To be polite. To have their manners. To be a good girl. To cause no waves. To keep the peace.   But what if they’re NOT sorry? What if they were simply standing up for their rights? What if they didn’t like what the person had said or done to them? What if they wanted to use THEIR voice?   Times...

What can we do to combat Racism?

What can we do to combat Racism?

In the world right now, and particularly in the U.S.A. there is a lot of unrest, unhappiness, fear, anger, frustration, hopelessness due to the still ever present acts of racism and particularly injustices against people of coloured skin.  For those of us who are lucky to live and work in places where people are accepting and appreciative of our differences, we can see what is happening, see the pain and suffering — but wonder, how can we really help? How can WE make a difference? In localities where racism is rife, peaceful protesting (raising awareness), joining politics (being a leader...

What can we do to combat Racism?

In the world right now, and particularly in the U.S.A. there is a lot of unrest, unhappiness, fear, anger, frustration, hopelessness due to the still ever present acts of racism and particularly injustices against people of coloured skin.  For those of us who are lucky to live and work in places where people are accepting and appreciative of our differences, we can see what is happening, see the pain and suffering — but wonder, how can we really help? How can WE make a difference? In localities where racism is rife, peaceful protesting (raising awareness), joining politics (being a leader...

12 Things I Want All Beginning Teachers to Know

12 Things I Want All Beginning Teachers to Know

1. You are incredibly powerful. You can make an enormous difference to a child’s self-esteem, confidence and well-being. Talking to and treating a child with respect is key to them developing self-belief. You have an opportunity every single day to enhance a child’s self-confidence. 2. It’s the little things that matter. Asking a child how they are, and really listening to their reply is super important. Making that child (and every child) feel like they matter is powerful. So kneel down, place yourself at their level and listen. Try to understand the world from their perspective and always choose compassion...

12 Things I Want All Beginning Teachers to Know

1. You are incredibly powerful. You can make an enormous difference to a child’s self-esteem, confidence and well-being. Talking to and treating a child with respect is key to them developing self-belief. You have an opportunity every single day to enhance a child’s self-confidence. 2. It’s the little things that matter. Asking a child how they are, and really listening to their reply is super important. Making that child (and every child) feel like they matter is powerful. So kneel down, place yourself at their level and listen. Try to understand the world from their perspective and always choose compassion...

8 Top Tips For Keeping Kids Safe At Christmas Time

8 Top Tips For Keeping Kids Safe At Christmas Time

Holiday season is upon us, and our kids are about to spend A LOT of time around people — family, extended family, friends, friends of friends, acquaintances and total strangers. They will be in amongst groups of people at family gatherings, Christmas parties, carol nights, NYE celebrations, camping grounds, parks, swimming pool or beach (or ski resorts if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere) , shopping centres, cinemas, etc. **** We cannot stress enough how important it is for your children to be educated in Body Safety — especially at this time of year! **** Give your kids: the gift of...

8 Top Tips For Keeping Kids Safe At Christmas Time

Holiday season is upon us, and our kids are about to spend A LOT of time around people — family, extended family, friends, friends of friends, acquaintances and total strangers. They will be in amongst groups of people at family gatherings, Christmas parties, carol nights, NYE celebrations, camping grounds, parks, swimming pool or beach (or ski resorts if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere) , shopping centres, cinemas, etc. **** We cannot stress enough how important it is for your children to be educated in Body Safety — especially at this time of year! **** Give your kids: the gift of...

Teaching Children about Gender Equality — Books and Resources

Teaching Children about Gender Equality — Books and Resources

On this page we have collated all of our resources specifically for promoting Gender Equality in children. The resources include books, lesson plans, free posters and activities. Why is promoting Gender Equality important for young children? Promoting Gender Equality will empower all children to realise that they should have equal opportunities, and will also encourage our younger generations to be more tolerant of differences reducing the occurrence of violence, abuse and harassment. Domestic violence occurs where one (or more) members of a family unit believe that they are superior, stronger, more powerful than the others, and this is encouraged via...

Teaching Children about Gender Equality — Books and Resources

On this page we have collated all of our resources specifically for promoting Gender Equality in children. The resources include books, lesson plans, free posters and activities. Why is promoting Gender Equality important for young children? Promoting Gender Equality will empower all children to realise that they should have equal opportunities, and will also encourage our younger generations to be more tolerant of differences reducing the occurrence of violence, abuse and harassment. Domestic violence occurs where one (or more) members of a family unit believe that they are superior, stronger, more powerful than the others, and this is encouraged via...

Empowering Children's Books: New Releases 2019!

Empowering Children's Books: New Releases 2019!

Three great reasons to celebrate right now! We are very excited to announce the release of our three new children’s books to help empower kids with Social and Emotional Intelligence, and also to help promote Gender Equality. We’ve also recently migrated our online shop to a new system. We hope that you have a great experience using it! Please feel welcome to contact us with any feedback! About the new books: Hey There! What’s Your Super Power? A children's book to encourage a growth mindset of resilience, persistence, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-esteem. Written by Jayneen Sanders, illustrated by Sarah JenningsBest...

Empowering Children's Books: New Releases 2019!

Three great reasons to celebrate right now! We are very excited to announce the release of our three new children’s books to help empower kids with Social and Emotional Intelligence, and also to help promote Gender Equality. We’ve also recently migrated our online shop to a new system. We hope that you have a great experience using it! Please feel welcome to contact us with any feedback! About the new books: Hey There! What’s Your Super Power? A children's book to encourage a growth mindset of resilience, persistence, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-esteem. Written by Jayneen Sanders, illustrated by Sarah JenningsBest...

15 Key Communication Skills for Students

15 Key Communication Skills for Students

  The following communication skills may be helpful for students when discussing or debating ideas in a group situation. Let everyone have a turn at speaking. 1. Allow everyone in the group a chance to speak and acknowledge what they said respectfully, e.g. “I hear and understand what you said and I agree/disagree. I think … because …” Don’t make fun or discount another person’s ideas. 2. Speak about ideas and not about a person/s. Listen to others when it’s their turn. Listening to other’s ideas is how we learn. 3. Do not dominate the conversation; allow each person a...

15 Key Communication Skills for Students

  The following communication skills may be helpful for students when discussing or debating ideas in a group situation. Let everyone have a turn at speaking. 1. Allow everyone in the group a chance to speak and acknowledge what they said respectfully, e.g. “I hear and understand what you said and I agree/disagree. I think … because …” Don’t make fun or discount another person’s ideas. 2. Speak about ideas and not about a person/s. Listen to others when it’s their turn. Listening to other’s ideas is how we learn. 3. Do not dominate the conversation; allow each person a...

If you are a woman, remember this...

If you are a woman, remember this...

This poem is dedicated to the young woman I met on the weekend. Don’t say sorry before you speak. Just speak. What you have to say is important. Don’t say sorry because you are taking up space. It’s your space, you own it.Don’t say sorry because you don’t want that drink he wants you to have.Don’t say sorry because you want a night in not out.Don’t say sorry because your boss screwed up, not you.Don’t say sorry because you love dessert and no one else does. Don’t say sorry because your test results were higher than his.Don’t say sorry because your body...

If you are a woman, remember this...

This poem is dedicated to the young woman I met on the weekend. Don’t say sorry before you speak. Just speak. What you have to say is important. Don’t say sorry because you are taking up space. It’s your space, you own it.Don’t say sorry because you don’t want that drink he wants you to have.Don’t say sorry because you want a night in not out.Don’t say sorry because your boss screwed up, not you.Don’t say sorry because you love dessert and no one else does. Don’t say sorry because your test results were higher than his.Don’t say sorry because your body...