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Nearly 10% of Men in NSW charged or arrested for domestic violence.
A new study by the Australian Institute of Criminology reveals that nearly 10% of men in New South Wales have had police take legal action against them for domestic and family violence by the age of 37. The study found nearly 10% of men had been involved in family and domestic violence offences. Notably, 1.2% of the population was responsible for over half of these offences. The majority of incidents involved intimate partner violence, but other relatives and household members were also perpetrators. This study highlights the pervasiveness of domestic violence, and these numbers are likely just the tip of...
Nearly 10% of Men in NSW charged or arrested for domestic violence.
A new study by the Australian Institute of Criminology reveals that nearly 10% of men in New South Wales have had police take legal action against them for domestic and family violence by the age of 37. The study found nearly 10% of men had been involved in family and...