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How Social Media Algorithms Fuel Misogyny in Young Men’s Feeds

How Social Media Algorithms Fuel Misogyny in Young Men’s Feeds

A recent experiment conducted by The Guardian reveals troubling insights into how social media algorithms, particularly on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, push sexist and misogynistic content onto young men’s feeds without any user engagement. By creating blank accounts, the study showed how quickly harmful content emerged, including offensive memes and images, based solely on the assumptions these platforms made about users' interests. This mirrors other research showing that platforms like YouTube and TikTok also guide young men toward problematic content, reinforcing harmful gender stereotypes and ideologies. Experts argue that these algorithms are "baked into the model," making it critical...

How Social Media Algorithms Fuel Misogyny in Young Men’s Feeds

A recent experiment conducted by The Guardian reveals troubling insights into how social media algorithms, particularly on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, push sexist and misogynistic content onto young men’s feeds without any user engagement. By creating blank accounts, the study showed how quickly harmful content emerged, including offensive memes and images, based solely on the assumptions these platforms made about users' interests. This mirrors other research showing that platforms like YouTube and TikTok also guide young men toward problematic content, reinforcing harmful gender stereotypes and ideologies. Experts argue that these algorithms are "baked into the model," making it critical...