CONSENT - words and how you say them matter!

CONSENT - words and how you say them matter!

NO CONSENT No! I don't want to. Absolutely not. No wav! Nup! I don't like that! I'm not sure Maybe... Let me think about it You cannot. Not really. I don't think so. Maybe later... (says nothing) CONSENT Yes! Absolutely. I want to do this! For Sure! I will allow you to... It's okay (but in strong voice) I'm sure How you can ask for CONSENT Can I please...? May I please...? Would you like to...? Do you want to...?

CONSENT - words and how you say them matter!

NO CONSENT No! I don't want to. Absolutely not. No wav! Nup! I don't like that! I'm not sure Maybe... Let me think about it You cannot. Not really. I don't think so. Maybe later... (says nothing) CONSENT Yes! Absolutely. I want to do this! For Sure! I will allow you to... It's okay (but in strong voice) I'm sure How you can ask for CONSENT Can I please...? May I please...? Would you like to...? Do you want to...?

Good Teachers

Good Teachers

Provide engaging, learning opportunities Listen attentively and empathically to their students' needs, wants and hopes Impart positive, encouraging and supportive reinforcement Ask for students' opinions so they become part of the learning process Encourage autonomy and self-determination in their students Focus on process not outcomes Foster critical thinking and active learning Respect and care about their students' points of view Support students to become life-long learners Make students feel important and that they matter Motivate students to be their best selves Excite students about learning Challenge students to push further Nurture students' individual talents Believe in their students

Good Teachers

Provide engaging, learning opportunities Listen attentively and empathically to their students' needs, wants and hopes Impart positive, encouraging and supportive reinforcement Ask for students' opinions so they become part of the learning process Encourage autonomy and self-determination in their students Focus on process not outcomes Foster critical thinking and active learning Respect and care about their students' points of view Support students to become life-long learners Make students feel important and that they matter Motivate students to be their best selves Excite students about learning Challenge students to push further Nurture students' individual talents Believe in their students

You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl?

You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl?

You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl? Well one day she's going to be an amazing, strong, determined and independent young woman! So hang in there! Jayneen Sanders

You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl?

You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl? Well one day she's going to be an amazing, strong, determined and independent young woman! So hang in there! Jayneen Sanders

Let Me Be Free!

Let Me Be Free!

Let me be free to be me   Let me Wonder Wander Listen and look   Let me Explore Imagine Investigate, create   Let me be free to be me

Let Me Be Free!

Let me be free to be me   Let me Wonder Wander Listen and look   Let me Explore Imagine Investigate, create   Let me be free to be me