INCLUSION is Key in Any Classroom
Inclusion of different: learning styles cognitive and physical abilities genders Social, cultural and racial backgrounds INCLUSION + RESPECT = EQUALITY
INCLUSION is Key in Any Classroom
Inclusion of different: learning styles cognitive and physical abilities genders Social, cultural and racial backgrounds INCLUSION + RESPECT = EQUALITY

We are more the same than we are different.
Peace can begin when we rejoice in our similarities instead of focusing on our differences. Young children just get this, both in regards to race and gender. Jayneen Sanders Author, teacher, advocate for Body Safety Education
We are more the same than we are different.
Peace can begin when we rejoice in our similarities instead of focusing on our differences. Young children just get this, both in regards to race and gender. Jayneen Sanders Author, teacher, advocate for Body Safety Education

If everyone stands back and does nothing...
If everyone stands back and does nothing... then nothing gets done!
If everyone stands back and does nothing...
If everyone stands back and does nothing... then nothing gets done!

"Being different is what makes us unique. However we are more the SAME than we are different."
"Being different is what makes us unique. However we are more the SAME than we are different." Jayneen Sanders
"Being different is what makes us unique. However we are more the SAME than we are different."
"Being different is what makes us unique. However we are more the SAME than we are different." Jayneen Sanders

Teaching children the meaning of empathy and kindness can change the world.
"We have managed to harness the power of the wind, the sun, and the water, but have yet to appreciate the power of our children to effect social change. from Roots of Empathy by Mary Gordon
Teaching children the meaning of empathy and kindness can change the world.
"We have managed to harness the power of the wind, the sun, and the water, but have yet to appreciate the power of our children to effect social change. from Roots of Empathy by Mary Gordon

Good Teachers
Provide engaging, learning opportunities Listen attentively and empathically to their students' needs, wants and hopes Impart positive, encouraging and supportive reinforcement Ask for students' opinions so they become part of the learning process Encourage autonomy and self-determination in their students Focus on process not outcomes Foster critical thinking and active learning Respect and care about their students' points of view Support students to become life-long learners Make students feel important and that they matter Motivate students to be their best selves Excite students about learning Challenge students to push further Nurture students' individual talents Believe in their students
Good Teachers
Provide engaging, learning opportunities Listen attentively and empathically to their students' needs, wants and hopes Impart positive, encouraging and supportive reinforcement Ask for students' opinions so they become part of the learning process Encourage autonomy and self-determination in their students Focus on process not outcomes Foster critical thinking and active...

You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl?
You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl? Well one day she's going to be an amazing, strong, determined and independent young woman! So hang in there! Jayneen Sanders
You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl?
You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl? Well one day she's going to be an amazing, strong, determined and independent young woman! So hang in there! Jayneen Sanders

Let Me Be Free!
Let me be free to be me Let me Wonder Wander Listen and look Let me Explore Imagine Investigate, create Let me be free to be me
Let Me Be Free!
Let me be free to be me Let me Wonder Wander Listen and look Let me Explore Imagine Investigate, create Let me be free to be me

For Kids Everywhere
Are you feeling sad? I am too. It's okay to be sad, It's okay to be you. Are you missing school? Friends and family too? It's okay to say so, It's okay if you do. What do you miss? Who do you miss? Why don't you draw or write a list? Having a chat may help too. Is there someone close by Who will listen to you? Remember! Nothing lasts forever, Nothing stays the same. When all this is over, You'll feel happiness again! Love Jayneen XX
For Kids Everywhere
Are you feeling sad? I am too. It's okay to be sad, It's okay to be you. Are you missing school? Friends and family too? It's okay to say so, It's okay if you do. What do you miss? Who do you miss? Why don't you draw or...

Coronavirus in 2020
CORONAVIRUS IN 2020 "We have never been so apart, yet so connected." Jayneen Sanders
Coronavirus in 2020
CORONAVIRUS IN 2020 "We have never been so apart, yet so connected." Jayneen Sanders