Let's not forget kids as we shine light on Domestic Violence.
Children are 6 times more likely to be sexually abused in families who experience Domestic Violence. Olafson, 2011 Call for Body Safety in ALL educational settings.
Let's not forget kids as we shine light on Domestic Violence.
Children are 6 times more likely to be sexually abused in families who experience Domestic Violence. Olafson, 2011 Call for Body Safety in ALL educational settings.

Why is this child not learning / withdrawn / misbehaving?
Teachers who care ask: Why is this child not learning / withdrawn / misbehaving? Childhood trauma such as emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse maybe the answer. Please... look beyond what you see.
Why is this child not learning / withdrawn / misbehaving?
Teachers who care ask: Why is this child not learning / withdrawn / misbehaving? Childhood trauma such as emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse maybe the answer. Please... look beyond what you see.

Survivors may never be able to reclaim the childhood that was stolen from them but...
Survivors may never be able to reclaim the childhood that was stolen from them but they can reclaim their right to happiness, joy & healing.
Survivors may never be able to reclaim the childhood that was stolen from them but...
Survivors may never be able to reclaim the childhood that was stolen from them but they can reclaim their right to happiness, joy & healing.

Kid's Book Checklist
There is no doubt that violence against women and children is deeply rooted in power imbalances that are reinforced by gender norms and stereotypes.' (p2, State of Victoria, Royal Commission into Family Violence: Summary and recommendations, Parl Paper No 132 (2014-16). A number of children's books continue to reinforce gender stereotyping, i.e. girls are beautiful, charming, quiet and well-mannered; boys are strong, powerful, assertive and rarely show their emotions. To help reduce gender stereotyping, consider the books your kids are reading... Are girls portrayed as strong characters? Are girls daring, brave and smart? Are girls interested in science, technology,...
Kid's Book Checklist
There is no doubt that violence against women and children is deeply rooted in power imbalances that are reinforced by gender norms and stereotypes.' (p2, State of Victoria, Royal Commission into Family Violence: Summary and recommendations, Parl Paper No 132 (2014-16). A number of children's books continue to reinforce...

With attitudes like these will our daughters ever be safe?
*1,761 young Australians aged between 16 and 24 were surveyed. Here are some of the findings: 43% thought it natural for a man to want to appear in control of his partner in front of his male friends. 1 in 7 believe a man would be justified in raping a woman if she initiated sex but changed her mind. 25% of young men think women find it flattering to be persistently pursued, even if they are not interested. 1 in 3 believe that women prefer a man to be in charge of a relationship. 1 in 5 believe there is...
With attitudes like these will our daughters ever be safe?
*1,761 young Australians aged between 16 and 24 were surveyed. Here are some of the findings: 43% thought it natural for a man to want to appear in control of his partner in front of his male friends. 1 in 7 believe a man would be justified in raping a...

With attitudes like these will our daughters ever be safe?
*1,761 young Australians aged between 16 and 24 were surveyed. Here are some of the findings: 1 in 7 believe a man would be justified in raping a woman if she initiated sex but changed her mind. 1 in 3 believe that women prefer a man to be in charge of a relationship. 45% of young people believe women exaggerate gender inequality in Australia. 37% agreed that women make up or exaggerate claims of violence to secure advantage in custody battles. 37% agreed that it is common for sexual assault accusations to be used as a way of getting back...
With attitudes like these will our daughters ever be safe?
*1,761 young Australians aged between 16 and 24 were surveyed. Here are some of the findings: 1 in 7 believe a man would be justified in raping a woman if she initiated sex but changed her mind. 1 in 3 believe that women prefer a man to be in charge...

Am I Reinforcing Gender Stereotyping in My Classroom?
We know from research that gender inequality is the basis of domestic and family violence - where one gender (most often, male) believes they have power over another. By being more aware of our own gender biases in our classrooms, we have the chance to help change culture - where all genders are treated equally and with respect. Do l encourage all genders in maths and science? Do I provide stories/poems/plays where girls are the main characters and/or boys have a nurturing role? Do l ask both girls and boys equally to take out the bins, clean the tables, carry...
Am I Reinforcing Gender Stereotyping in My Classroom?
We know from research that gender inequality is the basis of domestic and family violence - where one gender (most often, male) believes they have power over another. By being more aware of our own gender biases in our classrooms, we have the chance to help change culture - where...