One Talk at a Time - Jayneen Sanders
We and our lead author Jayneen Sanders @jayneensandersauthor are immensely proud to be a part of ‘One Talk at a Time’ and to be launching a suite of resources in partnership with @ChildSafety.gov.au to support this campaign. This topic is one that we are dedicated to and passionate about. For the past 20 years, Jayneen has been using storybooks to educate children and young people on body safety, consent and respectful relationships. While the Australian community has come a long way when it comes to understanding of child sexual abuse, we know there are still many people that feel too uncomfortable...
One Talk at a Time - Jayneen Sanders
We and our lead author Jayneen Sanders @jayneensandersauthor are immensely proud to be a part of ‘One Talk at a Time’ and to be launching a suite of resources in partnership with @ChildSafety.gov.au to support this campaign. This topic is one that we are dedicated to and passionate about. For the...

INCLUSION is Key in Any Classroom
Inclusion of different: learning styles cognitive and physical abilities genders Social, cultural and racial backgrounds INCLUSION + RESPECT = EQUALITY
INCLUSION is Key in Any Classroom
Inclusion of different: learning styles cognitive and physical abilities genders Social, cultural and racial backgrounds INCLUSION + RESPECT = EQUALITY

Girls are... Boys are ...
Girls are... Boys are ... funny caring embarrassed cross scared loud proud brave kind unique smart calm nurturing emotional creative bossy strong smelly silly happy friendly sad athletic gross excitable loving lonely Kids are just KIDS!
Girls are... Boys are ...
Girls are... Boys are ... funny caring embarrassed cross scared loud proud brave kind unique smart calm nurturing emotional creative bossy strong smelly silly happy friendly sad athletic gross excitable loving lonely Kids are just KIDS!

Don't call me cute...
For a very special girl... Don't call me cute... call me feisty, brave and fierce!
Don't call me cute...
For a very special girl... Don't call me cute... call me feisty, brave and fierce!

We are more the same than we are different.
Peace can begin when we rejoice in our similarities instead of focusing on our differences. Young children just get this, both in regards to race and gender. Jayneen Sanders Author, teacher, advocate for Body Safety Education
We are more the same than we are different.
Peace can begin when we rejoice in our similarities instead of focusing on our differences. Young children just get this, both in regards to race and gender. Jayneen Sanders Author, teacher, advocate for Body Safety Education

"Being different is what makes us unique. However we are more the SAME than we are different."
"Being different is what makes us unique. However we are more the SAME than we are different." Jayneen Sanders
"Being different is what makes us unique. However we are more the SAME than we are different."
"Being different is what makes us unique. However we are more the SAME than we are different." Jayneen Sanders

Im powerful, brave and strong
I'm a Pirate Captain And I sail the seven seas. Im powerful, brave and strong, Nothing frightens me!
Im powerful, brave and strong
I'm a Pirate Captain And I sail the seven seas. Im powerful, brave and strong, Nothing frightens me!

Kid's Book Checklist
There is no doubt that violence against women and children is deeply rooted in power imbalances that are reinforced by gender norms and stereotypes.' (p2, State of Victoria, Royal Commission into Family Violence: Summary and recommendations, Parl Paper No 132 (2014-16). A number of children's books continue to reinforce gender stereotyping, i.e. girls are beautiful, charming, quiet and well-mannered; boys are strong, powerful, assertive and rarely show their emotions. To help reduce gender stereotyping, consider the books your kids are reading... Are girls portrayed as strong characters? Are girls daring, brave and smart? Are girls interested in science, technology,...
Kid's Book Checklist
There is no doubt that violence against women and children is deeply rooted in power imbalances that are reinforced by gender norms and stereotypes.' (p2, State of Victoria, Royal Commission into Family Violence: Summary and recommendations, Parl Paper No 132 (2014-16). A number of children's books continue to reinforce...

Gender equality is important
Gender equality is important because it relieves men of the burden of toxic masculinity and makes women safe.
Gender equality is important
Gender equality is important because it relieves men of the burden of toxic masculinity and makes women safe.

How to Raise Our Sons to Be Good Men
Teach your son: that everyone has a body boundary; he needs to ask for consent before entering another's personal space that when a person says 'No' it means 'No' - not maybe or l'm not sure that silence is not a 'yes' to express his feelings and emotions; this shows strength rather than weakness to respect differences; but at the same time see we are more alike than we are different empathy so that he can see the world from all perspectives and ask himself, How would I feel if this happened to me?' that nurturing, caring and loving is...
How to Raise Our Sons to Be Good Men
Teach your son: that everyone has a body boundary; he needs to ask for consent before entering another's personal space that when a person says 'No' it means 'No' - not maybe or l'm not sure that silence is not a 'yes' to express his feelings and emotions; this shows...

'He hit you because he likes you'
The old saying of 'He hit you because he likes you' is out-dated and dangerous. Abuse does not equal love. Teach your kids there are many ways to say, "I like you'. You are amazing at. 'You are a fantastic... 'I really like the way you smile, dance, paint, laugh, etc.' 'You are so clever, funny, smart, creative, etc.' 'I like you.'
'He hit you because he likes you'
The old saying of 'He hit you because he likes you' is out-dated and dangerous. Abuse does not equal love. Teach your kids there are many ways to say, "I like you'. You are amazing at. 'You are a fantastic... 'I really like the way you smile, dance, paint, laugh,...