With attitudes like these will our daughters ever be safe?
*1,761 young Australians aged between 16 and 24 were surveyed. Here are some of the findings: 1 in 7 believe a man would be justified in raping a woman if she initiated sex but changed her mind. 1 in 3 believe that women prefer a man to be in charge of a relationship. 45% of young people believe women exaggerate gender inequality in Australia. 37% agreed that women make up or exaggerate claims of violence to secure advantage in custody battles. 37% agreed that it is common for sexual assault accusations to be used as a way of getting back...
With attitudes like these will our daughters ever be safe?
*1,761 young Australians aged between 16 and 24 were surveyed. Here are some of the findings: 1 in 7 believe a man would be justified in raping a woman if she initiated sex but changed her mind. 1 in 3 believe that women prefer a man to be in charge...
Dear Men, Imagine this:
You can't take public transport alone at night you can't walk or run alone in the late afternoon or evening. You always ask a male friend to walk you to your car at night. You always check the backseat of your car when you get in. You park in well-lit areas you never use a parking garage. You lock your car door as soon as you get in you always make sure your garage door is closed before you get out of the car you never wear headphones when jogging or walking alone. You never walk or run alone in...
Dear Men, Imagine this:
You can't take public transport alone at night you can't walk or run alone in the late afternoon or evening. You always ask a male friend to walk you to your car at night. You always check the backseat of your car when you get in. You park in well-lit...
You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl?
You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl? Well one day she's going to be an amazing, strong, determined and independent young woman! So hang in there! Jayneen Sanders
You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl?
You know that feisty, obstinate, loud and opinionated little girl? Well one day she's going to be an amazing, strong, determined and independent young woman! So hang in there! Jayneen Sanders